RemoteAdmin:admin create region

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= admin create region =
'''admin_create_region''' remotely allows to create a new regions and add them to an estate.
'''admin_create_region''' remotely allows to create a new regions and add them to an estate.

Revision as of 08:14, 9 October 2011

admin_create_region remotely allows to create a new regions and add them to an estate.


Enabling admin create region

To use admin_create_region one needs to enable the function in the [RemoteAdmin] section

enabled_methods = admin_create_region


Required paramenters

These parameters are required

parameter Description Values
region_name Name of the new region
listen_ip listen ip to be used by region
listen_port integer value of port
external_address external address to be used by the region
region_x region x location in grid
region_y region y location in grid
estate_name estate name that the new region belongs to. Specify estate owner if the estate does not exist yet

Optional paramenters

These parameters are optional and do not need to be set

parameter Description Values
region_id region uuid to be used for new region
estate_owner_uuid estate owner uuid (optionaly use estate_owner_first and estate_owner_last)
estate_owner_first estate owners first name
estate_owner_last estate owners last name
persist saves new region configs to file e.g. region.ini true, false
region_file when using persist you can specify the file to save region configs to (requires persist to be used)
public enable/disable public access to new region true, false
enable_voice enable/disable voice to new region true, false
heightmap_file load a heightmap file once the new region has been created


  • When adding a region to a known estate in the Database one does not need to specify the estate owner. If the estate is new and needs to be created first, then use the estate_owner_uuid or estate_owner_first + estate_owner_last.
  • When using the optional persist parameter the region configs will be saved to the default region file. You can specify a the file using region_file if you dont want to use the default



// Including the RemoteAdmin PHP class.
// Instantiate the class with parameters identical to the Python example above
$myRemoteAdmin = new RemoteAdmin('', 9000, 'secret');
// Invoke admin_create_user (multiple parameters)
$parameters = array('region_name' => 'My Plaza', 'listen_ip' => '', 'listen_port' => '9001', 'region_x' => '1000', 'region_y' => '1000', 'estate_name' => 'My Estate');
$myRemoteAdmin->SendCommand('admin_create_region', $parameters);
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