Prims (database table)

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<br />
'''Prims''' ''Describes all Prim attributes except shape and content ''&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(back to [[Database Documentation]])
'''Prims''' ''Describes all rezzed prim attributes except shape and content ''&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(back to [[Database Documentation]])
<br /><br />
The current structure of the Prims table is as follows:<br>
The current structure of the Prims table is as follows:<br />
{| style="border:1px solid #ccc;"
|- style="background:#cce;"
! Field
! Type
! Null
! Key
! Default
! Extra
| CreationDate         || int(11)     || YES ||    || NULL                                ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| Name                 || varchar(255) || YES ||    || NULL                                ||
| Text                 || varchar(255) || YES ||    || NULL                                ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| Description         || varchar(255) || YES ||    || NULL                                ||
| SitName             || varchar(255) || YES ||    || NULL                                ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| TouchName           || varchar(255) || YES ||    || NULL                                ||
| ObjectFlags         || int(11)     || YES ||    || NULL                                ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| OwnerMask           || int(11)     || YES ||    || NULL                                ||
| NextOwnerMask        || int(11)     || YES ||    || NULL                                ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| GroupMask           || int(11)     || YES ||    || NULL                                ||
| EveryoneMask         || int(11)     || YES ||    || NULL                                ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| BaseMask             || int(11)     || YES ||    || NULL                                ||
| PositionX           || float        || YES ||    || 0.0                                  ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| PositionY           || float        || YES ||    || 0.0                                  ||
| PositionZ           || float        || YES ||    || 0.0                                  ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| GroupPositionX       || float        || YES ||    || 0.0                                  ||
| GroupPositionY       || float        || YES ||    || 0.0                                  ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| GroupPositionZ       || float        || YES ||    || 0.0                                  ||
| VelocityX           || float        || YES ||    || 0.0                                  ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| VelocityY           || float        || YES ||    || 0.0                                  ||
| VelocityZ           || float        || YES ||    || 0.0                                  ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| AngularVelocityX     || float        || YES ||    || 0.0                                  ||
| AngularVelocityY     || float        || YES ||    || 0.0                                  ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| AngularVelocityZ     || float        || YES ||    || 0.0                                  ||
| AccelerationX       || float        || YES ||    || 0.0                                  ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| AccelerationY       || float        || YES ||    || 0.0                                  ||
| AccelerationZ       || float        || YES ||    || 0.0                                  ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| RotationX           || float        || YES ||    || 0.0                                  ||
| RotationY           || float        || YES ||    || 0.0                                  ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| RotationZ           || float        || YES ||    || 0.0                                  ||
| RotationW           || float        || YES ||    || 0.0                                  ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| SitTargetOffsetX     || float        || YES ||    || 0.0                                  ||
| SitTargetOffsetY     || float        || YES ||    || 0.0                                  ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| SitTargetOffsetZ     || float        || YES ||    || 0.0                                  ||
| SitTargetOrientW    || float        || YES  ||    || 0.0                                  ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| SitTargetOrientX    || float        || YES  ||    || 0.0                                  ||
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(back to [[Database Documentation]])<br>
| SitTargetOrientY    || float        || YES  ||    || 0.0                                  ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| SitTargetOrientZ    || float        || YES  ||    || 0.0                                  ||
| UUID                 || char(36)     || NO   || PRI ||                                      ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| RegionUUID           || char(36)     || YES || MUL || NULL                                ||
| CreatorID           || varchar(255) || NO  ||    ||                                      ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| OwnerID             || char(36)     || YES ||    || NULL                                ||
| GroupID             || char(36)     || YES ||    || NULL                                ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| LastOwnerID         || char(36)     || YES ||    || NULL                                ||
| SceneGroupID         || char(36)     || YES || MUL || NULL                                ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| PayPrice             || int(11)     || NO   ||    || 0                                   ||
| PayButton1           || int(11)     || NO   ||    || 0                                   ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| PayButton2           || int(11)     || NO   ||    || 0                                   ||
| PayButton3           || int(11)     || NO   ||    || 0                                   ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| PayButton4           || int(11)     || NO   ||    || 0                                   ||
| LoopedSound         || char(36)     || NO   ||    || 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| LoopedSoundGain     || float        || NO   ||    || 0.0                                 ||
| TextureAnimation    || blob         || YES ||    || NULL                                ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| OmegaX               || float        || NO   ||    || 0.0                                 ||
| OmegaY               || float        || NO   ||    || 0.0                                 ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| OmegaZ               || float        || NO   ||    || 0.0                                  ||
| CameraEyeOffsetX     || float        || NO   ||    || 0.0                                 ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| CameraEyeOffsetY     || float        || NO   ||    || 0.0                                  ||
| CameraEyeOffsetZ     || float        || NO   ||    || 0.0                                  ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| CameraAtOffsetX     || float        || NO   ||    || 0.0                                  ||
| CameraAtOffsetY     || float        || NO   ||    || 0.0                                  ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| CameraAtOffsetZ     || float        || NO   ||    || 0.0                                  ||
| ForceMouselook       || tinyint(4)   || NO   ||    || 0                                   ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| ScriptAccessPin     || int(11)     || NO   ||    || 0                                   ||
| AllowedDrop         || tinyint(4)   || NO   ||    || 0                                   ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| DieAtEdge           || tinyint(4)   || NO   ||    || 0                                   ||
| SalePrice           || int(11)     || NO   ||    || 10                                  ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| SaleType             || tinyint(4)   || NO   ||    || 0                                   ||
| ColorR               || int(11)     || NO   ||    || 0                                   ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| ColorG               || int(11)     || NO   ||    || 0                                   ||
| ColorB               || int(11)     || NO   ||    || 0                                   ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| ColorA               || int(11)     || NO   ||    || 0                                   ||
| ParticleSystem       || blob         || YES ||    || NULL                                ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| ClickAction         || tinyint(4)   || NO   ||    || 0                                   ||
| Material             || tinyint(4)   || NO   ||    || 3                                   ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| CollisionSound       || char(36)     || NO   ||    || 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 ||
| CollisionSoundVolume || float        || NO   ||    || 0.0                                 ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| LinkNumber           || int(11)     || NO   ||    || 0                                   ||
| PassTouches          || tinyint(4)  || NO  ||    || 0                                    ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| MediaURL            || varchar(255) || YES  ||    || NULL                                ||
| DynAttrs            || text        || YES  ||    || NULL                                ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| PhysicsShapeType    || tinyint(4)  || NO  ||    || 0                                    ||
| Density              || float        || NO  ||    || 1000.0                              ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| GravityModifier      || float        || NO  ||    || 1.0                                  ||
| Friction            || float        || NO  ||    || 0.6                                  ||
|- style="background:#eee;"
| Restitution          || float        || NO  ||    || 0.5                                  ||
| KeyframeMotion      || blob        || YES  ||    || NULL                                ||
|}<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(back to [[Database Documentation]])<br />
<br />
<br />
The date in standard UNIX format that the Prim was created.
The date in standard UNIX format that the Prim was created.
<br />
<br />
<br />
The Name of the Prim.
The Name of the Prim.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
What the Prim is.
What the Prim is.
<br />
<br />
<br />
A name given to the Sit event.
A name given to the Sit event.
<br />
<br />
<br />
A name given to the Touch action.
A name given to the Touch action.
<br />
<br />
<br />
A name given to the Sit event.
A name given to the Sit event.
<br />
<br />
<br />
ObjectFlags are defined here: [[OpenSim:Permissions#ObjectFlags_.28F.29]]
ObjectFlags are defined here: [[OpenSimulator:Permissions#ObjectFlags_.28F.29]]
<br />
<br />
<br />
The permissions of the current owner. Further details are available here: [[OpenSim:Permissions#OwnerMask_.28O.29]]
The permissions of the current owner. Further details are available here: [[OpenSimulator:Permissions#OwnerMask_.28O.29]]
<br />
<br />
<br />
The permissions to be passed to the next owner. Further details are available here: [[OpenSim:Permissions#NextOwnerMask_.28N.29]]
The permissions to be passed to the next owner. Further details are available here: [[OpenSimulator:Permissions#NextOwnerMask_.28N.29]]
<br />
<br />
<br />
GroupMask is not yet implemented. However further details are available here: [[OpenSim:Permissions#GroupMask_.28G.29]]  
GroupMask is not yet implemented. However further details are available here: [[OpenSimulator:Permissions#GroupMask_.28G.29]]  
<br />
<br />
<br />
The permissions given to other users. Further details are available here: [[OpenSim:Permissions#EveryoneMask_.28E.29]]
The permissions given to other users. Further details are available here: [[OpenSimulator:Permissions#EveryoneMask_.28E.29]]
<br />
<br />
<br />
The initial permissions given to the current owner. Further details are available here: [[OpenSim:Permissions#BaseMask_.28B.29]]
The initial permissions given to the current owner. Further details are available here: [[OpenSimulator:Permissions#BaseMask_.28B.29]]
<br />
<br />
<br />
The location of the centre of the prim in the X-axis in metres relative to the origin of the region.
The distance in metres of this prim from GroupPositionX.
<br />
<br />
<br />
The location of the centre of the prim in the Y-axis in metres relative to the origin of the region.
The distance in metres of this prim from GroupPositionY.
<br />
<br />
<br />
The absolute height of the centre of the prim in metres.<br>
The distance in metres of this prim from GroupPositionZ.
<br />
<br />
The X-axis location of the centre of the primary prim in the linked set to which this Prim belongs. Measured in metres relative to the origin of the region.
<br />
<br />
<br />
The Y-axis location of the centre of the primary prim in the linked set to which this Prim belongs. Measured in metres relative to the origin of the region.
<br />
<br />
<br />
The Z-axis (height) location of the centre of the primary prim in the linked set to which this Prim belongs. Measured in metres.
<br />
<br />
The speed at which the prim moves (+ or -) in the X-axis.
The speed at which the prim moves (+ or -) in the X-axis.
<br />
<br />
<br />
The speed at which the prim moves (+ or -) in the Y-axis.
The speed at which the prim moves (+ or -) in the Y-axis.
<br />
<br />
<br />
The speed at which the prim moves (+ or -) vertically.
The speed at which the prim moves (+ or -) vertically.
<br />
<br />
<br />
Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
<br />
<br />
<br />
Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
<br />
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Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
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Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
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Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
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Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
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Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
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Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
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Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
<br />
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Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
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<br />
Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
<br />
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<br />
Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
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Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
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Not yet defined.
<br />
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Not yet defined.
<br />
<br />
<br />
Not yet defined.
<br />
<br />
<br />
Not yet defined.
<br />
<br />
<br />
The unique key of this prim row on the database.
The unique key of this prim row on the database.
<br />
<br />
<br />
The key of the Region on the Regions table which contains this prim
The key of the Region on the Regions table which contains this prim
<br />
<br />
<br />
the UUID (key) of the user who created this prim.
the UUID (key) of the user who created this prim.
<br />
<br />
<br />
the UUID (key)of the user who currently owns this prim.
the UUID (key)of the user who currently owns this prim.
<br />
<br />
<br />
Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
<br />
<br />
<br />
The UUID (key) of the user who last owned this prim (i.e. who transferred it to the current OwnerID).
The UUID (key) of the user who last owned this prim (i.e. who transferred it to the current OwnerID).
<br />
<br />
<br />
Not yet defined.
All the prims in a linked object share the same SceneGroupID.
<br />
<br />
<br />
Can be either:
Can be either:
<br />
<br />
<br />
Can be either:
Can be either:
<br />
<br />
<br />
Can be either:
Can be either:
<br />
<br />
<br />
Can be either:
Can be either:
<br />
<br />
<br />
Can be either:
Can be either:
<br />
<br />
<br />
The UUID of an asset which defines a sound to be played from this prim.
The UUID of an asset which defines a sound to be played from this prim.
<br />
<br />
<br />
The volume of the looped sound.
The volume of the looped sound.
<br />
<br />
<br />
Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
<br />
<br />
<br />
Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
<br />
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Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
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Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
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Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
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Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
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Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
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Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
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Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
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Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
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Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
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Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
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Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
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Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
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Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
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Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
<br />
<br />
<br />
Red colour intensity value range 0-255.
<br />
<br />
<br />
Green colour intensity value range 0-255.
<br />
<br />
<br />
Blue colour intensity value range 0-255.
<br />
<br />
<br />
Alpha channel value. Range 0-255.
<br />
<br />
<br />
A block of data defining a particle effect associated with this Prim.
<br />
<br />
<br />
Action to be performed on a left-button mouse click. Possible values:<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;0 - Touch/Grab (default)<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;1 - Sit on object<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;2 - Buy object<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;3 - Pay object<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;4 - Open<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;5 - Play parcel media<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;6 - Open parcel media
<br />
<br />
<br />
Affects the surface look of the prim, may be wood, metal etc.
<br />
<br />
<br />
The UUID of the asset which describes the sound made when an object collides with this prim.
<br />
<br />
<br />
The volume of the collision sound.
<br />
<br />
<br />
Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
<br />
<br />
<br />
Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
<br />
<br />
<br />
Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
<br />
<br />
<br />
Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
<br />
<br />
<br />
A block of data defining a particle effect associated with this Prim.
Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
<br />
<br />
<br />
Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
<br />
<br />
<br />
The sound made when an object collides with this prim.
The volume of the collision sound.
Not yet defined.
Not yet defined.
<br />
<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(back to [[Database Documentation]])<br>
<br />
Not yet defined.
<br />
<br />
<br />
Not yet defined.
<br />
<br />
<br />
Not yet defined.
<br />
<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(back to [[Database Documentation]])<br />

Latest revision as of 14:08, 14 November 2023

Prims Describes all rezzed prim attributes except shape and content       (back to Database Documentation)

The current structure of the Prims table is as follows:

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
CreationDate int(11) YES NULL
Name varchar(255) YES NULL
Text varchar(255) YES NULL
Description varchar(255) YES NULL
SitName varchar(255) YES NULL
TouchName varchar(255) YES NULL
ObjectFlags int(11) YES NULL
OwnerMask int(11) YES NULL
NextOwnerMask int(11) YES NULL
GroupMask int(11) YES NULL
EveryoneMask int(11) YES NULL
BaseMask int(11) YES NULL
PositionX float YES 0.0
PositionY float YES 0.0
PositionZ float YES 0.0
GroupPositionX float YES 0.0
GroupPositionY float YES 0.0
GroupPositionZ float YES 0.0
VelocityX float YES 0.0
VelocityY float YES 0.0
VelocityZ float YES 0.0
AngularVelocityX float YES 0.0
AngularVelocityY float YES 0.0
AngularVelocityZ float YES 0.0
AccelerationX float YES 0.0
AccelerationY float YES 0.0
AccelerationZ float YES 0.0
RotationX float YES 0.0
RotationY float YES 0.0
RotationZ float YES 0.0
RotationW float YES 0.0
SitTargetOffsetX float YES 0.0
SitTargetOffsetY float YES 0.0
SitTargetOffsetZ float YES 0.0
SitTargetOrientW float YES 0.0
SitTargetOrientX float YES 0.0
SitTargetOrientY float YES 0.0
SitTargetOrientZ float YES 0.0
UUID char(36) NO PRI
RegionUUID char(36) YES MUL NULL
CreatorID varchar(255) NO
OwnerID char(36) YES NULL
GroupID char(36) YES NULL
LastOwnerID char(36) YES NULL
SceneGroupID char(36) YES MUL NULL
PayPrice int(11) NO 0
PayButton1 int(11) NO 0
PayButton2 int(11) NO 0
PayButton3 int(11) NO 0
PayButton4 int(11) NO 0
LoopedSound char(36) NO 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
LoopedSoundGain float NO 0.0
TextureAnimation blob YES NULL
OmegaX float NO 0.0
OmegaY float NO 0.0
OmegaZ float NO 0.0
CameraEyeOffsetX float NO 0.0
CameraEyeOffsetY float NO 0.0
CameraEyeOffsetZ float NO 0.0
CameraAtOffsetX float NO 0.0
CameraAtOffsetY float NO 0.0
CameraAtOffsetZ float NO 0.0
ForceMouselook tinyint(4) NO 0
ScriptAccessPin int(11) NO 0
AllowedDrop tinyint(4) NO 0
DieAtEdge tinyint(4) NO 0
SalePrice int(11) NO 10
SaleType tinyint(4) NO 0
ColorR int(11) NO 0
ColorG int(11) NO 0
ColorB int(11) NO 0
ColorA int(11) NO 0
ParticleSystem blob YES NULL
ClickAction tinyint(4) NO 0
Material tinyint(4) NO 3
CollisionSound char(36) NO 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
CollisionSoundVolume float NO 0.0
LinkNumber int(11) NO 0
PassTouches tinyint(4) NO 0
MediaURL varchar(255) YES NULL
DynAttrs text YES NULL
PhysicsShapeType tinyint(4) NO 0
Density float NO 1000.0
GravityModifier float NO 1.0
Friction float NO 0.6
Restitution float NO 0.5
KeyframeMotion blob YES NULL

      (back to Database Documentation)

The date in standard UNIX format that the Prim was created.

The Name of the Prim.


What the Prim is.

A name given to the Sit event.

A name given to the Touch action.

A name given to the Sit event.

ObjectFlags are defined here: OpenSimulator:Permissions#ObjectFlags_.28F.29

The permissions of the current owner. Further details are available here: OpenSimulator:Permissions#OwnerMask_.28O.29

The permissions to be passed to the next owner. Further details are available here: OpenSimulator:Permissions#NextOwnerMask_.28N.29

GroupMask is not yet implemented. However further details are available here: OpenSimulator:Permissions#GroupMask_.28G.29

The permissions given to other users. Further details are available here: OpenSimulator:Permissions#EveryoneMask_.28E.29

The initial permissions given to the current owner. Further details are available here: OpenSimulator:Permissions#BaseMask_.28B.29

The distance in metres of this prim from GroupPositionX.

The distance in metres of this prim from GroupPositionY.

The distance in metres of this prim from GroupPositionZ.
The X-axis location of the centre of the primary prim in the linked set to which this Prim belongs. Measured in metres relative to the origin of the region.

The Y-axis location of the centre of the primary prim in the linked set to which this Prim belongs. Measured in metres relative to the origin of the region.

The Z-axis (height) location of the centre of the primary prim in the linked set to which this Prim belongs. Measured in metres.
The speed at which the prim moves (+ or -) in the X-axis.

The speed at which the prim moves (+ or -) in the Y-axis.

The speed at which the prim moves (+ or -) vertically.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

The unique key of this prim row on the database.

The key of the Region on the Regions table which contains this prim

the UUID (key) of the user who created this prim.

the UUID (key)of the user who currently owns this prim.

Not yet defined.

The UUID (key) of the user who last owned this prim (i.e. who transferred it to the current OwnerID).

All the prims in a linked object share the same SceneGroupID.

Can be either: -1 PAY_HIDE or -2 PAY_DEFAULT

Can be either: -1 PAY_HIDE or -2 PAY_DEFAULT

Can be either: -1 PAY_HIDE or -2 PAY_DEFAULT

Can be either: -1 PAY_HIDE or -2 PAY_DEFAULT

Can be either: -1 PAY_HIDE or -2 PAY_DEFAULT

The UUID of an asset which defines a sound to be played from this prim.

The volume of the looped sound.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Red colour intensity value range 0-255.

Green colour intensity value range 0-255.

Blue colour intensity value range 0-255.

Alpha channel value. Range 0-255.

A block of data defining a particle effect associated with this Prim.

Action to be performed on a left-button mouse click. Possible values:
  0 - Touch/Grab (default)
  1 - Sit on object
  2 - Buy object
  3 - Pay object
  4 - Open
  5 - Play parcel media
  6 - Open parcel media

Affects the surface look of the prim, may be wood, metal etc.

The UUID of the asset which describes the sound made when an object collides with this prim.

The volume of the collision sound.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

Not yet defined.

      (back to Database Documentation)

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