User talk:LaeMi

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m (Playing with replacing the OGS moon with my own texture (unsucessfully))
m (Custom Moon Issues)
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==Custom Moon Issues==
Hmmm, I am presently trying to replace the OGS moon with a texture of my own.
I have tried the following:
* Replace the supplied moon.jp2 texture with my own (filtered via texture upload and pulled back from the SL Cache, since SL jp2s seem to be rather too weird for my standard Linux tools).
* Different combinations of size, colour/greyscale, alpha/flat.
* Various cache-flushing and server restarting combinations.
I am wondering if there is anything special about moon.jp2 (eg, it has to be a particular size, depth, etc.)
==New User's Thoughts==
==New User's Thoughts==

Revision as of 22:06, 23 May 2008

New User's Thoughts


I have been playing with OpenSim (nightly builds) for a few weeks now and have a few impressions I would like to share. I have been aware of the OpenSim project for several months, but have shied away from it. Why? Because while I greatly enjoy the client-side experience of SecondLife (particularly the non-3D-artist-friendly build system and the non-programmer-friendly scripting system -- HyperCard refugee from way back ;-) ) there is much about the SL backend's behaviour and assumptions that downright urks me! I have been playing with OpenCroquet and VOS and a number of other virtual worlds systems in various stages of development but always come back to SL for the client-side build tools.

Like many (I am sure) I was assuming that OpenSim was a "Second Life wannabe world simulator" and the SL grid-side system was not what I wanted. Of course now I know better, and not just because you say so in your OpenSim Core Values section. While I am not programming expert, the server-side arrangement of OpenSim's parts is just ringing all sorts bells with the SysAdmin in me. The fact that I can run a speedy little simulator on a single-core 1.6GHz K6 CPU AND the SL client at the same time is pretty impressive too :-D

So while there is a lot yet to do, I am VERY impressed with the work-so-far of all the programmers and testers that have pushed OpenSim so far already.

Regards and thanks to you all,

have a fun and productive virtual 2008 ;-)


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