Chat log from the meeting on 2013-05-14

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Revision as of 14:58, 14 May 2013

[11:02] Erkunder1965 Test1: oh suche ich später im Netz
[11:02] Richardus Raymaker: never seen this error before "did not find presence before time-out
[11:02] Andrew Hellershanks is online.
[11:03] Erkunder1965 Test1: schreibe ich mier auf erst hatte viel mühe meine figur wieder her zu stellen
[11:03] Justin Clark-Casey: hello folks
[11:03] BlueWall Slade: hello
[11:03] Equus Staedler: Hi
[11:03] Chrisx Vortex: hi
[11:03] Arielle Popstar: Hi Justin
[11:03] Dahlia Trimble is online.
[11:03] Richardus Raymaker: hi justin
[11:03] Andrew Hellershanks: Hello, everyone
[11:03] tx Oh: hi justin
[11:03] BlueWall Slade: hello
[11:03] Arielle Popstar: Hi Andrew
[11:03] tx Oh: hello all :-)
[11:04] Nebadon Izumi: hello
[11:04] Arielle Popstar: Hi Tx and Neb
[11:05] Richardus Raymaker is online.
[11:05] Arielle Popstar: still planning the test for a\fter the meeting Neb?
[11:06] Erkunder1965 Test1: so aufgeschrieben meine Nerven wegen Figur ziemlich zerfetzt gewesen mann steht vohr anderen als dum da wenn mann es nicht schaft u als Kröhnung auch noch viewerzusammenbruch gehabt
[11:06] BlueWall Slade: Hi Teravus
[11:06] Teravus Ousley: Hello
[11:06] Justin Clark-Casey doesn't have his headset plugged in yet :)
[11:06] vegaslon plutonian: wow that is the first time that has worked for me in osgrid
[11:06] Fly Man: You're not missing anything :)
[11:07] Equus Staedler: Heard fine
[11:07] Andrew Hellershanks: why do you need a headset for a meeting that uses typed text?
[11:07] Chrisx Vortex: lol
[11:07] Fly Man laughs at Ter
[11:07] tx Oh: headset? is this meeting with voice?
[11:07] Equus Staedler: I am not :)
[11:07] Justin Clark-Casey: no, primary channel is text
[11:07] Fly Man: Sure Teravus, you should make jingles for Radio :D
[11:07] Teravus Ousley: No, voice is just back channel talk.
[11:07] Andrew Hellershanks: vegas, first time what worked for ou?
[11:07] vegaslon plutonian: voice
[11:08] Teravus Ousley: Nothing pertinent to the meeting
[11:08] BlueWall Slade: librravox?
[11:08] Fly Man: Ahh, Robert is here as well
[11:08] Dahlia Trimble is offline.
[11:08] Fly Man smiles
[11:09] Richardus Raymaker is offline.
[11:09] Nebadon Izumi: i am still prepping for the load test
[11:09] Nebadon Izumi: sorry if I am a bit quiet
[11:09] Richardus Raymaker is offline.
[11:09] Richardus Raymaker is online.
[11:10] BlueWall Slade: ++
[11:10] Robert Adams: hello all
[11:10] Erkunder1965 Test1: Unterhältst du dich gerade mit anderen Artist ??
[11:10] Nebadon Izumi: hello Robert
[11:10] BlueWall Slade: ++
[11:10] Erkunder1965 Test1: bin ich zu lesen ??
[11:10] BlueWall Slade: hello
[11:10] Arielle Popstar: Hi Robert
[11:10] Justin Clark-Casey: well, seeing the inactive connections problm here today and that is with QueueUserWorkItem
[11:10] Justin Clark-Casey: ugh
[11:10] Richardus Raymaker: nice watre sim :)
[11:11] Kayaker Magic: Well here's a question to start things off: If I see a chair on the other side of a sim crossing, and sit on it, things don't work well. Is that expected?
[11:11] Richardus Raymaker is offline.
[11:11] Dahlia Trimble is offline.
[11:11] Justin Clark-Casey: kayaker: almost certainly
[11:11] Nebadon Izumi: yes Kayaker
[11:11] Nebadon Izumi: i would suggest no doing that heh
[11:11] Robert Adams: there is something odd with scripts/messages and the thread stuff... not sure when it started
[11:11] Nebadon Izumi: not*
[11:11] Richardus Raymaker is online.
[11:11] Justin Clark-Casey: hmm, though interesting it is going away
[11:12] Justin Clark-Casey: robert: what do you mean?
[11:12] Kayaker Magic: AVN and InWorld claim to have sim crossings working, at least for vehicles. What are they doing different?
[11:12] Dahlia Trimble is online.
[11:12] Justin Clark-Casey: I have no idea
[11:12] Teravus Ousley: Kayaker: They programmed that functionality for themselves
[11:12] Nebadon Izumi: cant say what Inworld is doing they dont share any code
[11:12] Robert Adams: various code fixes that we haven't done
[11:12] BlueWall Slade: yesh, STP seems to take over debugging lately.
[11:12] Nebadon Izumi: Avination has written the code, and will commit it at some point
[11:12] Richardus Raymaker: ok. dont get a failed TP :O
[11:13] Nebadon Izumi: those kind of merges take time
[11:13] Richardus Raymaker: nice robert.
[11:13] Justin Clark-Casey: richardus: so you did get here?
[11:13] Richardus Raymaker: well, as long i have it switched to other conenction. the broken one gave probl;ems
[11:14] Richardus Raymaker: flashing my router back to orginal foirmware
[11:14] Dahlia Trimble is offline.
[11:14] Justin Clark-Casey: richardus: you mean a different avatar?
[11:14] Fly Man: sim crossing
[11:14] Richardus Raymaker: no, same avatar. different ip
[11:14] Justin Clark-Casey: uhhhh, that's odd
[11:14] Fly Man: What did you flash the router with ?
[11:14] Fly Man: DRT?
[11:15] Robert Adams: there is some extra state that must be passed with the avatar when it crosses...
[11:15] Richardus Raymaker: dd-wrt, yes. but i cant reach the test sim with that
[11:15] Dahlia Trimble is online.
[11:15] Fly Man: Richard, that's a known issue
[11:15] Robert Adams: currently velocity is passed (so flying is a little smoother) but sitting state is not passed
[11:15] Fly Man: it improves the Wifi but break a lot of the internal loopbacking
[11:15] Arielle Popstar: issue with dd wrt
[11:15] Arielle Popstar: newer versions
[11:16] Richardus Raymaker: lol, and wifi is the part i neve ruse
[11:16] Fly Man: There is work being done on it
[11:16] Robert Adams: the vehicle state should also be passed... most vehicle scripts look for the region change event and have to reset everything
[11:16] Richardus Raymaker: but tomato i cant get installed. no *.chk
[11:16] Dahlia Trimble: hi
[11:16] Fly Man: but so far, no results have been posted
[11:16] Teravus Ousley: Hi Dahlia
[11:16] BlueWall Slade: hi dahlia
[11:16] Arielle Popstar: Hi Dahlia
[11:16] Richardus Raymaker: hi dahlia
[11:16] Fly Man: Aloha Dahlia
[11:17] Dahlia Trimble: oou lots of his today :)
[11:17] Robert Adams: I hear a Teravus voice :)
[11:17] Fly Man: yeah, loadtest later
[11:17] Fly Man: when Neb gets it setup
[11:17] Andrew Hellershanks: I've been thinking of going with OpenWRT for my router. dd-wrt is going commercial.
[11:17] Robert Adams: is there a load test?
[11:18] Robert Adams must have missed the memo
[11:18] Fly Man: Robert: Nebadon on Twitter: I will be performing a large load test tommorow and need volunteers to connect, more info here : #opensimulator
[11:19] Fly Man: Typing would work
[11:19] Fly Man: as some have no voice
[11:19] Andrew Hellershanks: Oh. I don't do twitter so I didn't see the message.
[11:19] Justin Clark-Casey: Please type any questions
[11:19] Justin Clark-Casey: voice is the back channel
[11:19] Chrisx Vortex: i keep seeing weird random characters below usernames, is that viewer side or server side?
[11:20] Equus Staedler: Same here
[11:20] Fly Man: ChrisX, kinda like _ and other symbols ?
[11:20] Equus Staedler: On FS
[11:20] Teravus Ousley hasn't seen that
[11:20] Chrisx Vortex: more like (??D??YJM?II5????)
[11:20] Chrisx Vortex: yea im using firestorm OS
[11:20] Arielle Popstar: different fonts between between FS and Sing i thought it was
[11:21] Fly Man: Hmm, don't see those
[11:21] Andrew Hellershanks just realized he didn't have voice chat enabled in this viewer
[11:21] Teravus Ousley: Firestorm 4.2.2 (29837) Aug 27 2012 19:20:05 (Firestorm-Release)
[11:21] Fly Man: but I don't see any Display Names either
[11:21] Teravus Ousley: That's what I'm using.. Right now
[11:21] Arielle Popstar: i see it on Chrisx, Tea\ravus, Master, Robert
[11:21] Teravus Ousley: .. not seeing it with that. US/English
[11:21] Justin Clark-Casey: their names look fine to me
[11:21] Chrisx Vortex: ok thnx, must be FS 4.4
[11:21] Andrew Hellershanks: I see the odd characters too and I don't have display names enabled AFAIK
[11:21] Justin Clark-Casey: using older fs 4.3.1 still
[11:22] Cuteulala Artis is offline.
[11:22] Fly Man: ChrisX, I think it's best to report it to the FS team as well
[11:22] Andrew Hellershanks: Chrisx, Equus, Teravus, and Master all have the same mess under their names.
[11:22] Chrisx Vortex: i will be thnx, just wanted to know if it was os or fs since it doesnt happen to me in sl
[11:23] Equus Staedler: Always assumed it was FS4.4.0
[11:23] Fly Man: Teravus uses the older FS and doesn't see it
[11:23] Fly Man: ChrisX uses the current and notices it
[11:24] Andrew Hellershanks: I see it here and I'm running Singularity 1.8.0
[11:24] Fred.Appleby When creating a prim with an avatar that is the owner of a group, the prim inherits the group. Is that expected behaviour?
[11:24] Arielle Popstar: i see it on Teravus
[11:24] Arielle Popstar: but not Justin
[11:24] Fly Man: Fred, depends on settings in your viewer sometimes
[11:24] Justin Clark-Casey: Fred: that is expected behaviour
[11:24] Fred.Appleby behavior
[11:24] BlueWall Slade: fred - it is
[11:24] Fly Man: Some viewers have the option to rezz / build things with the group you wearing
[11:24] Fred.Appleby thank you
[11:25] Kayaker Magic: The prim gets the group the avatar has active at the time
[11:25] Fred.Appleby don't understand the logic
[11:25] Andrew Hellershanks: Arielle, Justin's floating text is ok but his name is in orange. The affected users floating text is in Red.
[11:25] Arielle Popstar: isnt it usually off by default though?
[11:25] BlueWall Slade: if you are building on group land, you need those prims to belong to the group
[11:25] Fly Man: Arielle, some viewers have it on by default
[11:25] BlueWall Slade: hmm, I didn't know that you could set it.
[11:25] Equus Staedler: Colours depend on viewer used for that user
[11:25] Andrew Hellershanks: IIRC, rezzed prims inherit the active group of the avatar.
[11:26] Fly Man: BlueWall, it's the setting called:
[11:26] Andrew Hellershanks: Equus, right. Phoenix/Firestorm viewers use Red IIRC
[11:26] Fly Man: "Always rezz objects as land group when available"
[11:26] Teravus Ousley: but just because it inherits the group, doesn't make it group owned, right?
[11:26] Equus Staedler: Yep
[11:27] BlueWall Slade: I think it's not deeded to the group
[11:27] Fly Man: It will have the owner name set, group name set but not deeded
[11:28] Andrew Hellershanks: No one has been talking so you didn't miss anything, mysterious voice
[11:28] Teravus Ousley: hehe, ok
[11:29] Justin Clark-Casey is looking at other screens simultaneously
[11:29] Andrew Hellershanks: Teravus, has that been you? Your voice reminds me a bit of Rod Serling.
[11:29] Arielle Popstar: i always seem to get tossed to a chasnnel by myself on voice
[11:29] Justin Clark-Casey: inactive connections are now going away but only after some timeout and a huge disconnect spew
[11:29] Justin Clark-Casey: interesting
[11:29] Arielle Popstar: channel^
[11:29] Teravus Ousley: There is a minor conversation going on in the iRC channel
[11:30] Fred.Appleby The opensim console provides information about the user logging into the sim, including the mac address. It would be nice if that information was also available for HG visitors.
[11:30] Fly Man: Robert, I saw that you added the possibility to check for the height of the avatar. Does this mean we won't be seeing "floating" avatars anymore ?
[11:31] Justin Clark-Casey: hi walter: I see you had a lot of trouible logging in to this sim?
[11:31] Walter.Balazic yes
[11:32] Walter.Balazic finally gave up and HG over
[11:32] Walter.Balazic and hello Justin
[11:32] Justin Clark-Casey: were you coninutously trying?
[11:32] Walter.Balazic yep
[11:32] Walter.Balazic from LBSA
[11:32] Walter.Balazic from main login
[11:32] Walter.Balazic timed out
[11:32] Walter.Balazic this was the only way to get here
[11:32] Justin Clark-Casey: ok, it was the inactive connection problem. But now it appears that it eventually does get cleaned up after a big spew
[11:32] Unknown User: and HGing takes about a minute...
[11:32] Justin Clark-Casey: walter: I would predict you can get here with your normal login now
[11:32] Walter.Balazic ok
[11:33] Walter.Balazic no biggie :)
[11:33] Walter.Balazic didn't mean to interrupt
[11:33] Justin Clark-Casey: it's a bad problem - but this is a good clue
[11:33] Justin Clark-Casey: I wonder if it was doing the same with STP thouigh, or whether for some reason that one never times out
[11:33] Ai Austin is online.
[11:33] Andrew Hellershanks: bbiab.
[11:34] Justin Clark-Casey: on the what?
[11:34] Fly Man: The Q is: Can you get the macaddress on the console for HG visitors
[11:34] Arielle Popstar: guess STP is not the motor oil ;)
[11:34] Justin Clark-Casey: my voice isn't working
[11:34] Justin Clark-Casey: probably having a prioblem with my active skype again
[11:34] Justin Clark-Casey: arielle: SmartThreadPool
[11:34] Arielle Popstar: ahh :)P
[11:35] Ai Austin: Hello folks
[11:35] Teravus Ousley: I hear stuff coming from your Mic Justincc, fyi
[11:35] Justin Clark-Casey: fly: I'm sure, though it's not up on my priority list
[11:35] Fly Man: Justin: [11:30] Fred.Appleby The opensim console provides information about the user logging into the sim, including the mac address. It would be nice if that information was also available for HG visitors.
[11:35] Arielle Popstar: Hi Ai
[11:35] Ai Austin: I am a bit grey this evening
[11:35] BlueWall Slade: we should look at using the mac address to authorize incoming avatars that originate on the local lan...
[11:35] BlueWall Slade: to get around the public/private ip
[11:35] tx.Oh re
[11:35] Fly Man: Skype always fights with Vivox :D
[11:35] Arielle Popstar: oh that would be nice Blue
[11:36] Justin Clark-Casey: fly: one would just need to find a point where it's available and log it I guess
[11:36] Justin Clark-Casey: hi sarah
[11:36] Sarah Kline: hi Justin )
[11:36] tx.Oh i hope i'm not the unknown user :-)
[11:36] Justin Clark-Casey: sarah: you had a lot of trouble teleporting here today?
[11:37] Fly Man: BlueWall, what would be the instant gain from checking that a user is coming from the local side ?
[11:37] Sarah Kline: lol yes
[11:37] Arielle Popstar: not si9nce you came back TX
[11:37] Richardus Raymaker: justin, my tyeleport broke after i tried to TP to other sim.
[11:37] Justin Clark-Casey: sarah: but it eventually succeeded?
[11:37] Fly Man: Robert, I saw that you added the possibility to check for the height of the avatar. Does this mean we won't be seeing "floating" avatars anymore ?
[11:38] Sarah Kline: yes I logged in here direct again
[11:38] Robert Adams: Fly Man: it is supposed to fix that. It can also be tuned through INI file parameters. Documentation at the bottom of
[11:38] Arielle Popstar tries to nudge Robert awake
[11:39] Justin Clark-Casey: sarah: so it worked when you logged in direct?
[11:39] Justin Clark-Casey: but failed all previous times?
[11:39] Justin Clark-Casey: or were there any failures with the direct login?
[11:39] Robert Adams: I notice Nebadon is off the ground. Are we running with those fixes?
[11:39] Sarah Kline: first time I was rooted to the spot but could see region activity
[11:39] Arielle Popstar: he looks firmly planted to me
[11:39] Fly Man: Robert, thanks, good to know :)
[11:39] Justin Clark-Casey: robert: how can you tell?
[11:40] tx.Oh bulletsim: i can't get reliable results when i like to get linked prims physical
[11:40] Justin Clark-Casey: sarah: ok
[11:40] Fly Man: Neb looks to be doing his flying trick
[11:40] Richardus Raymaker: thts not just the sero offset problem LL have to ?
[11:40] Robert Adams: I tuned it so the default avatar stands on the ground about right
[11:40] Sarah Kline: logged on to to Lbsa then tried to get here and it said i did not exist on grid
[11:40] Fly Man: as he's 0,5 cm from the ground
[11:40] Sarah Kline: so logged back on here directly
[11:40] Justin Clark-Casey: sarah: I can see the attempst on the console
[11:40] Justin Clark-Casey: then for some reason there's a massive spew and the broken connection finally goes away
[11:40] Justin Clark-Casey: it's the broken connection that was stopping the teleport
[11:40] Robert Adams: tx: what doesn't work reliably?
[11:41] Teravus Ousley: physical reliability
[11:41] Sarah Kline: yes had that before
[11:41] Teravus Ousley: " tx.Oh bulletsim: i can't get reliable results when i like to get linked prims physical"
[11:41] Sarah Kline: fails to register presence
[11:42] tx.Oh robert: i link to prims together, toggle the physics to on and they are not physical
[11:42] Justin Clark-Casey: sarah: where do you see that message, on the log of the source sim?
[11:42] tx.Oh two
[11:42] Sarah Kline: on the viewer when i try to tp
[11:42] Sarah Kline: dialog
[11:42] Samira Samtanko: hi
[11:42] Justin Clark-Casey: sarah: do you have scripted attachments?
[11:43] Sarah Kline: no
[11:43] Justin Clark-Casey: same question to walter and tx: do you have scripted attachments?
[11:43] tx.Oh i had similar problems to come back, so i decided to hg here
[11:43] Robert Adams: tx: if you have an example I will look into it
[11:43] Justin Clark-Casey: hmmm, that's very interesting
[11:43] Arielle Popstar: Robert, were you able to look at the vehicle passenger rubber banding issue?
[11:43] Sarah Kline: its rare that it happens Justin
[11:43] BlueWall Slade: afk...
[11:43] Justin Clark-Casey: it happened to 3 ppl today, but I always thought it was likely to be connected with scripted attachments
[11:44] Robert Adams: Arielle: haven't yet
[11:44] Arielle Popstar: ok
[11:44] Nebadon Izumi: ok almost ready for load test :)
[11:44] tx.Oh robert: sure i have, it's just two normal prim blocks i create, link them together and toggle physics on: nothing happened
[11:45] Sarah Kline: load test here or?
[11:45] Fly Man: And in 15 mins the Eurovision Song Contest starts
[11:45] Ai Austin burts into song
[11:45] Equus Staedler: Yiks
[11:45] Ai Austin: *or burst
[11:45] Richardus Raymaker: you going to sing fly :) ^^
[11:45] tx.Oh eurovision song contest? on a tuesday??
[11:46] Ai Austin: For nthe US folksw.. its an institution in Europe
[11:46] Equus Staedler: On all the time it seem...
[11:46] Ai Austin: very cheesy
[11:46] Fred.Appleby USA lucky in that respect
[11:46] Equus Staedler: Sweden is infested with it
[11:46] Fly Man: Richard, no
[11:46] Sarah Kline: Terry Wogan is ace
[11:46] Fly Man: But a lovely lady from Ireland is singing
[11:46] Fly Man: which is at 21:41
[11:47] tx.Oh eurovision song contest is really one of the biggest tv events
[11:47] Justin Clark-Casey: I had completely failed to hear that eurovisio nwas on
[11:47] Sarah Kline: lol suspense
[11:47] Ai Austin: Lordi! superb. better than the Beatles - just kidding
[11:47] Teravus Ousley: heh
[11:47] Nebadon Izumi: load test is another grid
[11:48] Nebadon Izumi: we will be hypergridding there
[11:48] Nebadon Izumi: when you get there find a seat and sit down
[11:48] Ai Austin: Intel DSG involved Nebadon?
[11:48] tx.Oh what grid is this?
[11:48] Chrisx Vortex: i wont be going sorry, got work to get to
[11:48] Nebadon Izumi: no DSK
[11:48] Nebadon Izumi: no DSG
[11:48] Nebadon Izumi: its a grid for
[11:48] Arielle Popstar: 200 on a regular region?
[11:48] tx.Oh wow
[11:48] Ai Austin la la la
[11:48] tx.Oh opensimulator gets its own grid!
[11:49] Justin Clark-Casey: it's a temporary grid
[11:49] Andrew Hellershanks: I'm back
[11:49] Sarah Kline: oh were not going to be replaced
[11:49] Fred.Appleby well I can hear todays commentary ok
[11:49] Fly Man: Teravus: Are you feeling lucky PUNK! :P
[11:50] Fly Man: Yes
[11:50] Fly Man: Agree
[11:50] Justin Clark-Casey: alright, well this feels like it's been pretty chaotic today
[11:50] tx.Oh there is no song contest today
[11:50] Ai Austin: We are all always lucky to be in openSim
[11:50] Teravus Ousley: hehe
[11:50] Justin Clark-Casey: any OpenSimulator questios for the last 10 mins?
[11:50] Fly Man: tx, there is the semi-finals
[11:50] Teravus Ousley: OpenSim questions?
[11:50] tx.Oh ah, ok
[11:50] Ai Austin: sorry Justin.. getting silly as its a Eurovision night
[11:50] Simulator Version v0.5 shouts: OpenSim 0.7.6 Dev          c86e828: 2013-05-13 13:30:44 -0700 (Unix/Mono)
[11:50] Chrisx Vortex: i got another one sorry and it relates to DTLNSL if thats ok
[11:51] Ai Austin: Is the load etst using Intel DSG?
[11:51] Justin Clark-Casey: dtlnsl?
[11:51] Nebadon Izumi: we can always head over a little early
[11:51] Nebadon Izumi: if there are no more questions
[11:51] Justin Clark-Casey: ai: no
[11:51] Arielle Popstar: money module?
[11:51] Fly Man: DTLNSL => Alternative Currency
[11:51] Chrisx Vortex: yea the money mod
[11:51] Teravus Ousley: I'm not sure what DTNNSL is
[11:51] Dahlia Trimble heads out for a bit before the load test... bye all :)
[11:51] Unknown User: Neb: are you HTTP load balancing at the region level?
[11:51] Ai Austin: okay. just standard setup but a powerful server?
[11:51] Justin Clark-Casey: chrisx: worth asking but I'm not sure how much help there will be
[11:51] Nebadon Izumi: we are not doing anything particularly special
[11:52] Nebadon Izumi: it is a 4 corner region test
[11:52] Justin Clark-Casey: I think that code might have fallen behind current OpenSimulator
[11:52] Ai Austin: got it. thanks
[11:52] Nebadon Izumi: to see how many avatars we could get into a 4 corner conference
[11:52] tx.Oh it's so exciting
[11:52] Sarah Kline: like LL do
[11:52] Chrisx Vortex: is there a website that tells me what is being requested for buying land cuz i cant get that part to work on my grid
[11:52] Nebadon Izumi: if you have alts please send them over as well
[11:52] Ai Austin: WE did a 4 grid with around 220 avatars
[11:52] Nebadon Izumi: but do not bring there here
[11:52] Arielle Popstar: so there will be 4 different addresses or does it auto place incoming?
[11:52] Justin Clark-Casey: I think we predict a fiery death
[11:52] Ai Austin: 4 region I meant in SL
[11:52] Nebadon Izumi: teleport them from another region
[11:52] Dahlia Trimble is offline.
[11:52] Nebadon Izumi: we already have enough avatars in Wright plaza
[11:52] Fearghus McMahon: hi all
[11:52] Fly Man: ChrisX, short answer: No
[11:53] Nebadon Izumi: are we ready to get started? did anyone have any more questions?
[11:53] Chrisx Vortex: great thnx fly man, gotta just wing it then
[11:53] Fly Man: ChrisX, my advice is to trace the connection and figure the XMLRPC call
[11:53] Ai Austin: we used text chat relays to cover the whole 4 corner amphitheater which is in teh OpenVCE asset set (OAR)
[11:53] Dahlia Trimble is online.
[11:53] Pathfinder.Lester puts on asbestos underwear and gets ready
[11:53] Nebadon Izumi: chat over border works now Ai
[11:53] Ai Austin whispers: here is my helmet?
[11:53] tx.Oh huhu pathfinder
[11:53] Ai Austin: but 30m range?
[11:53] Ai Austin: or did you widen it?
[11:54] Arielle Popstar: dea on the asbestos suit Pathfinder :)
[11:54] Arielle Popstar: good idea^
[11:54] Chrisx Vortex: gotta go thnx for the help
[11:54] Ai Austin: 20m I guess actuyally
[11:54] Nebadon Izumi: well today isnt about testing the chat
[11:54] Pathfinder.Lester :)
[11:54] Nebadon Izumi: its more about testing the load
[11:54] Nebadon Izumi: but no i did not extend the chat range for this test
[11:54] Andrew Hellershanks: Chrisx, I think there is/was a problem with buying land.
[11:55] Justin Clark-Casey: not sure one necessarily wants to extend the chat range in this scenario
[11:55] Justin Clark-Casey: though I guess maybe I'm wrong
[11:55] Robert Adams: are you going to tell us where to go, Nebadon?
[11:55] Justin Clark-Casey: urgh, weaselling :)
[11:55] Justin Clark-Casey: is voice enabled on those regions, I presume not?
[11:56] Justin Clark-Casey: I myself might have 5 mins but then unfortunatley have an unmoveable sched clash
[11:56] Nebadon Izumi: no
[11:56] Sarah Kline: eurovision lol
[11:56] Nebadon Izumi: no voice either for this test
[11:56] Fly Man grins
[11:56] Nebadon Izumi: ok here we go
[11:56] Justin Clark-Casey: ok
[11:56] Fred.Appleby middle mouse button works to activate voice...
[11:56] Nebadon Izumi: the HG url is
[11:56] Ai Austin: Do we have the URL somewhere in chat yet?
[11:57] Richardus Raymaker: by justin
[11:57] Ai Austin: ah there it is
[11:57] Andrew Hellershanks: A grid I help with that is running 075PF has had issues with selling land.
[11:57] Nebadon Izumi: if that region is full and you get denied there are 4 regions
[11:57] Ai Austin: Okay I am off there
[11:57] tx.Oh there must be a region name
[11:57] Justin Clark-Casey: what are the av limits?
[11:57] Nebadon Izumi: 1
[11:57] Justin Clark-Casey: on each region. 40?
[11:57] Nebadon Izumi: 2
[11:57] Nebadon Izumi: 3
[11:57] Nebadon Izumi: 4
[11:57] tx.Oh this is not a valig hg url
[11:57] Nebadon Izumi: 50 each
[11:57] Pathfinder.Lester off I go!
[11:57] Unknown User: see you there
[11:57] Teravus Ousley: I typically do "Avacon 4"
[11:58] tx.Oh (44,44,44)
[11:58] Teravus Ousley: without the extra colon
[11:58] Robert Adams: those aren't connected to OSGrid, Nebadon?
[11:58] Second Life: Region found!
[11:58] Second Life: Region found!
[11:59] Andrew Hellershanks: We are heading to Avacon now?
[11:59] Robert Adams: I don't find them on the map
[11:59] Justin Clark-Casey is going to wait until the meeting finishes :)
[11:59] Justin Clark-Casey: in a minute
[11:59] Justin Clark-Casey: " 1"?
[11:59] Robert Adams: how do we get there?
[11:59] Arielle Popstar: remove the http for map search
[11:59] Andrew Hellershanks: yeah, no avacon regions here
[11:59] Justin Clark-Casey: this is what I'm tying into the main map search box
[12:00] Justin Clark-Casey: alright, time to try
[12:00] Justin Clark-Casey: good luck everyone
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