[Opensim-users] osSetPrimitiveParams question

simon burke simon at duanedibley.com
Thu Jun 5 20:17:07 UTC 2014

    not sure if this is a feature bug or misunderstanding (on my part).
I recently posted a thread at osgrid and was advised to ask here

osgrid  : forums.osgrid.org/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=5191&p=24373#p24373

Background is below

I am using llSetPrimitiveParams to set params on an existing (created) 
object to PRIM_TYPE=9, FLAG=7 (sculpt) and MAP=mesh UUID, 
PRIM_TYPE_SCULPT = 5 (mesh).

i:e settings to "7::9b71b6a9-98d8-42c4-930a-807247619d33::5"

If i read back PRIM_TYPE right after i get 

so it set the UUID correctly but left the type as 1 (PRIM_TYPE_CYLINDER) 
instead of type 5 (MESH).

checking LL docs for LlSetPrimitiveParams say this/"With this subtype, 
PRIM_TYPE_SCULPT's map parameter is read-only, when read NULL_KEY is 
returned. In other words this can only be used to determine that a prim 
is of the mesh subtype."/. It seems it was enabled/allowed initially 
then disabled later on.

SO it seems like i have run into the UUID swap problem

http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Why_UUI ... ing_is_Bad 

http://blog.nalates.net/2011/06/27/seco ... e-week-26/ 

oddly it seems like i can set the UUID, but not set the type to MESH to 
use it .

So in summary , while llSetPrimitiveParams i assume must remain 
"compatible" with SL, is there any option, setting or other magic i can 
use  that would enable osSetPrimitiveParams to support UUID swapping for 
Meshes. Specifically I am rezzing a regular "Box", then trying to one 
time swap the type, subtype and UUID to an existing mesh UUID. I am not 
trying to swap a mesh to a different mesh, or do this more than once per 

There may be bigger technical details beneath this that have been hinted 
at in discussions but i am unaware of.

So question is can osSetPRimitiveParams support mesh type and UUID 
"setting" ?



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