[Opensim-users] llCastRay and object shapes

Gwyneth Llewelyn gwyneth.llewelyn at gwynethllewelyn.net
Tue Feb 25 16:37:14 UTC 2014

Hi Handy,

Just for the sake of completeness, did you test with ODE or BulletSim? I believe the implementation might be slightly different (or, then again, it's just my not-so-precise testing).


	- Gwyn

On 25/02/2014, at 16:09, Handy Low wrote:

> Currently it seems that the OpenSim implementation of llCastRay() gives 
> coordinates on a target object that lie on the bounding box of the object 
> rather than on the face of the prim itself.
> For example, casting a ray at a pair of linked cubes in OpenSim will generate 
> coordinates that lie on the cuboid bounding box that constrains both cubes. 
> Likewise, casting a ray at a sphere will generate a point on the sphere's 
> cubic bounding box.
> In SL, the same tests will both return points on the prim surfaces.
> Is this expected behaviour?
> Thanks
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