[Opensim-users] llCastRay and object shapes

Michael Emory Cerquoni nebadon2025 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 25 16:31:11 UTC 2014

This is currently the level of functionality one should expect from
OpenSimulator raycasting functions, it would be nice to eventually make
this work better so we can use it on cut and hollowed shapes and get much
better accuracy.

On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 11:09 AM, Handy Low <handy.low.systems at gmail.com>wrote:

> Currently it seems that the OpenSim implementation of llCastRay() gives
> coordinates on a target object that lie on the bounding box of the object
> rather than on the face of the prim itself.
> For example, casting a ray at a pair of linked cubes in OpenSim will
> generate
> coordinates that lie on the cuboid bounding box that constrains both cubes.
> Likewise, casting a ray at a sphere will generate a point on the sphere's
> cubic bounding box.
> In SL, the same tests will both return points on the prim surfaces.
> Is this expected behaviour?
> Thanks
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Michael Emory Cerquoni
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