[Opensim-users] trouble with new osgrid region

Serendipity Seraph seren.seraph at gmail.com
Sat Oct 5 00:46:19 UTC 2013

Thanks James but..

I know there are not multiple flavors.  I only mentioned it for completeness.

The main problem turned out to be that I had inadvertently forgot to open 9000 on my server.  Silly me.  I am amazed it worked at all.  As soon as I did that and cleaned up some server mono installation issues, scripts worked just fine.

I don't agree that you need "real servers" per se.  Go play on Kitely if you don't believe cloud instances will work.   In any case that discussion and set of opinions is neither here nor there.   But it really isn't up to you as far as I know to say what kind of server is "supported".  If it works and works well enough then it works, right?

thanks again. 

- seren

On Oct 4, 2013, at 3:08 PM, James Stallings II wrote:

> Hi Serendipity,
> Lets take some deep breaths and attempt to make some sense of these things.
> Firstly, there's no 'linux' flavor of opensim -- opensim is implemented in c# precisely so that the same source code and the same binaries work equally well on all supported platforms. Or, at least that is the intention ;)
> Next:
> DNS vs IP addresses. If (and only if) your DNS entries for a given IP address are all right and proper, there's no real reason they can't be used interchangeably in your config files. That being said, if the DNS entries for a given IP address are *not* right and proper, trouble will ensue if you attempt using the DNS name instead of a plain IP address.
> Now this message:
> "PUT http://mariaclaude.no-ip.org:9000/agent/544eab0f-01a9-5f8d-e0d9-de89e9ea46dd/ took 10000ms, 0ms writing, {"message_type":"AgentPosition","region_handle":"10966528977991424","circuit_code":"0","agent_uuid":
> 21:41:36 - [WEB UTIL]: ServiceOSD request 107 http://mariaclaude.no-ip.org:9000/agent/544eab0f-01a9-5f8d-e0d9-de89e9ea46dd/ PUT FAILED: The request timed out"
> is not all that strange. It is typical of the formats opensim employs in exchanges with the viewer and other regions when 'things are happening". What is surprising about it is that you are seeing it. What this message is about is the (re)positioning or possibly the arrival of an avatar in the region. That avatar is originally logged in from 'http://mariaclaude.no-ip.org:9000/'. Hypergrid? In any case, that it failed (and how it failed) is telling of trouble with your networking. This trouble could actually be with the avatar as reflected in the message; it might look something like this if the person closed the viewer before their jump completed. 
> Given your level of experience and understanding, I'd say that this was one of 1) a transient network issue not of your making or possibly 2) you fat-fingered one or more of the numbers in your IP address (it happens to the best of us from time to time ;)
> If the case be the former, then you will know when it clears up without being fixed. If the latter, well, you'll need to make some corrections to your configs.
> What I recommend is that you go through each of your config files, and standardize on IP addresses throughout your configuration. This will provide you the opportunity to insure that each is correct, and eliminate any possibility of DNS issues being the cause. One reason for configuring this way for production is that it eliminates the time required to look up the IP address using the DNS system, which can sometimes be substantial under load.
> Concerning your scripting troubles, I'd suggest that you not even bother yourself with that until such time as these other issues are settled, because if your region is failing in the general sense, there's no real expectation that the particulars should be expected to work either.
> When it comes to opensims, VPS are bad, and are not supported configurations. You need real hardware under your opensims. This is something you should see to as soon as possible.
>  Best of luck, and do let us know how it goes :)
> Cheers!
> James/Hiro
> On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 4:03 PM, Serendipity Seraph <seren.seraph at gmail.com> wrote:
> High.  I pulled the latest linux osgrid opensimulator package and cranked it up on a new VPS.  Something appears to be very off.  I have a static IP on the region and originally did not have a DNS pointing to it.  I don't know if that or something else got it confused but I see a couple of issues.  The region did come up fine on osgrid.
> First I see strange messages as if something things the region is at some other address.  Like:
> PUT http://mariaclaude.no-ip.org:9000/agent/544eab0f-01a9-5f8d-e0d9-de89e9ea46dd/ took 10000ms, 0ms writing, {"message_type":"AgentPosition","region_handle":"10966528977991424","circuit_code":"0","agent_uuid":
> 21:41:36 - [WEB UTIL]: ServiceOSD request 107 http://mariaclaude.no-ip.org:9000/agent/544eab0f-01a9-5f8d-e0d9-de89e9ea46dd/ PUT FAILED: The request timed out
> I have no ide who or what mariaclaude.no-ip.org may be but it is sure not me.  I did a ping and the address shown is not my IP address at all.   I have since set my DNS for one of my domains to point to this and changed it in my Region.ini but to no avail.  Restart leaves it all the same.
> I also loaded an OAR from a kitely region to my region but that doesn't seem to have anything to do with it.
> The other and more serious problem is that I get errors every time I try to compile a script and no scripts seem to want to run, at least not ones I build.
> If I right click and hit compile (both compile LSL and compile Mono give same problem) I get
> (0,0) Error: [ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.TypeLoadException: A type load exception has occurred.
> Thanks.
> - seren
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