[Opensim-users] Announcement of inventory tool (MyInventory), mostly of interest to grid operators/grid nauts

Teravus Ovares teravus at gmail.com
Mon Nov 19 18:18:00 UTC 2012


"Ultimately I intend to, but right now I have a foundation to lay, in the
form of an inventory and asset store under control of the user rather than
grid operators.",    while I understand what you're trying to do in
concept, I'm not sure why you want to be adversarial to the way things are
currently with content creators.   They're not mutually exclusive..   you
simply need a technical way for content creators to mark the content as
licensed for multigrid distribution and myinventory needs to check for
it.    Content creators could not, previously have foreseen this change in
expectations.   The conflict /isn't/ between users and grid operators..
it's about users and content creators.    I've heard you commonly say,
'wrestling control from grid operators'..    but grid operators do not have
the copyright.    Content Creators do.    Grid operators generally cannot
grant you a license to re-upload the content somewhere else..   the only
entity that can do that is the copyright holder.   It's not Grid Vs
User..   and that's a fundamental misconception with your side of the
debate right now.


On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 11:37 AM, Snowcrash Short <snowcrash.short at gmail.com
> wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 4:16 PM, Diva Canto <diva at metaverseink.com> wrote:
>> On 11/18/2012 10:42 PM, Snowcrash Short wrote:
>>> Whether to patch an angle of attack is definitely not my decision. If
>>> you and the core team are happy with the users and content creators in open
>>> grids being vulnerable, then I cannot do anything about it.
>> You're sort of right that you can't do anything about it, but not for the
>> reasons you think.
>> If you take time to think about it, you will come to the conclusion, like
>> many of us have, that those grids are hopelessly insecure.
> Well, it is only the single most popular opensimulator based grid you are
> writing complete off as hopelessly insecure, when the truth is that it can
> be hardened. Although I agree that complete security would require a
> rethink about where assets are stored.
>> Checking sessions ids and permissions will not make them less insecure,
>> given that anyone can plug a simulator to it running all sorts of rogue
>> code. It's an architecture that is impossible to sustain. Hence, other
>> alternatives like the Hypergrid.
>> But if those are your favorite grids, I encourage you to provide services
>> that make them slightly less insecure.
> Ultimately I intend to, but right now I have a foundation to lay, in the
> form of an inventory and asset store under control of the user rather than
> grid operators.
> Best regards
> Snowcrash
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