[Opensim-users] Announcement of inventory tool (MyInventory), mostly of interest to grid operators/grid nauts

dz dz at bitzend.net
Thu Nov 15 20:54:48 UTC 2012

"It took me 2 days to copy stuff to a new grid" is not justification for
the harm this tool will do to the OpenSim content creation community.

There is only one proper response to this "declaration of disregard" for
the policies and efforts of this community to prevent the distribution of
tools designed to subvert the rights of content creators....  Otherwise,
those IAR files you want to load will never have the quantity and quality
of legal assets you desire.

There are a multitude of ways to resolve these asset sharing/transfer
issues,  and a LOT of good work has been done.
     Yes,  we need an easier way to load IAR files....
                     Why don't you implement this as a first step and start
the process of working WITH the community?
                     (Instead of proclaiming your intent to implement
something that requires us to react in a publicly negative way)

     Yes,  we probably need to implement some kind of license tagging to
assets to properly identify those place in the PD BY the creator.
                    Even so,  I lend my voice to the chorus of  "IANAL
BUT.... I hope you confer with proper legal counsel before you jump off the
liability cliff " ....

I hope my response to your request for grid operators to participate in
this discussion is clear....
      I will disconnect and ban anyone who attempts to connect to any of
the grids I administer using this tool.
      I will publicly identify those users and share all the information I
am able to collect with all of the operators of any other grid I can
communicate with .

Those of us who have been here a while have seen this all before, and I'm
sure we will see it again.
The response can only be "We do NOT want your tool as designed,  we WILL
NOT tolerate its use."

NO, there are NO valid reasons to welcome a tool that incorporates a
disregard for an important part of the Opensim community (creators)
Public pressure was enough to thwart the public release of the last
"OpenSource sim copy utility".
I continue to hope that the vocal opposition we expressed as a community to
that effort is brought to bear here as well..

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