[Opensim-users] bvhacker
dz at bitzend.net
Thu Nov 10 23:38:49 UTC 2011
I've used bvhacker for a couple of animation/pose projects... It is a neat
little tool, and the creator is very approachable.
I haven't had a chance to turn it loose on the OSU archive animations, so I
cant speak to that.
The CMU bvh conversion animations are not EXACTLY compatible with the
SL/OpenSim avatar skeleton.
It includes additional data that needs to be removed before it can be
processed and uploaded.
There is some new progress on getting blender to properly output SL format
BVH format files...
It may be a better approach to the conversions of those archives, and then
use bvhacker to find and tweak the
"abnormal joint deformities"
Today's Topics:
> 1. bvhacker (paul emery)
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: paul emery <pablo at lansing.com>
> To: opensim-users at lists.berlios.de
> Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2011 07:47:14 -0800 (PST)
> Subject: [Opensim-users] bvhacker
> Has anyone tried using bvhacker http://davedub.co.uk/bvhacker/index.html
> which claims to prepare bvh files for sl/os use. If so, where did you find
> the bvh files
> In particular does it allow us to use files from either of these sources
> http://accad.osu.edu/research/mocap/mocap_data.htm
> https://sites.google.com/a/cgspeed.com/cgspeed/motion-capture/cmu-bvh-conversion
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