[Opensim-users] viewer with minimal streaming delay

Gwyneth Llewelyn gwyneth.llewelyn at gwynethllewelyn.net
Wed Oct 20 11:03:08 UTC 2010


How does that audio stream get into the viewer? Is it the parcel  
streaming URL that has the link to the file that gets downloaded (or  
the stream that gets connected to)?

If so, the "delay" is not related neither to OpenSim, nor to the  
viewer, but merely with the software you use to send the file/stream.  
If it's a *file*, obviously there is some buffering: a 1 MByte file  
that will be played by the viewer needs to be transmitted in full  
first, and "a few seconds" is normal. If it's a *stream*, the  
buffering will take a bit less, but it will never be "zero".

Unless I didn't understand your setup, and in reality, what you do is  
something way more interesting, which is getting the sound synthesised  
externally, uploaded as an asset to OpenSim, transferred to the  
viewer, and played as any other sound asset. If that's what you do in  
merely 3-5 seconds, wow, I'm impressed it's so fast!

	- Gwyn

On 2010/10/20, at 05:45, Paul Fishwick wrote:

> We have a project where actions initiated in OpenSim create a signal
> which goes out to modulate a real-time sound synthesis engine, whose
> output gets fed back into the OpenSim viewer. Unfortunately, there
> is usually a 3-5 second delay between the action and hearing the
> result. Presumably, this delay is due to buffering, probably by the
> client viewer since we've tested the other parts of the loop. This  
> leads
> to the question of whether anyone knows of an OpenSim world
> viewer where one can fine-tune the buffer size for streaming audio?
> For the stock LL viewer, I cannot find any debug options to allow
> this tweak.
> -p
> -- 
> Paul Fishwick, PhD
> Professor and Director, Digital Arts and Sciences
> CISE Department, CSE 301
> University of Florida
> Gainesville, FL 32611
> Email: fishwick at cise.ufl.edu
> Web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/~fishwick
> Blog: http://www.representationz.com
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