[Opensim-users] Correcting Metaverse Time

Charles Krinke cfk at pacbell.net
Tue Jan 20 14:53:57 UTC 2009

Well, maybe I am having trouble getting it, Stefan.

A few days ago, there were several multi-hour, heated discussions about how the timezones of different servers would make events and scripts malfunction.

Personally, I have been using UTC since the 1970's and GMT before that in communicating around this rock, so I dont get the flap and just use UTC/GMT, but it seems an important subject to others.


From: Stefan Andersson <stefan at tribalmedia.se>
To: opensim-users at lists.berlios.de
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 12:53:04 AM
Subject: Re: [Opensim-users] Correcting Metaverse Time

 Also, I believe we could just add local server time and current UTC ('metaverse time') to something like the 'about' box text, if people want to make sure.
As I understand it,
all times shown to users could and should be specified with timezone. The client does this, and there should be no problem converting from UTC to PST/PDT in the protocol endpoints if the client would need us to.
In regards to scripts, lsl still have a fairly good number of functions separating 'server time'/'pst' and 'gmt'/'utc';
llGetDate uses UTC
llGetWallclock returns the server time.
llGetGMTclock gets GMT, which essentially is UTC
I might just be naive, but I don't see the problem with UTC. Could we have a problem scenario detailed out?

Best regards,
Stefan Andersson
Tribal Media AB

Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2009 23:17:00 -0500
From: fish.kungfu at gmail.com
To: opensim-users at lists.berlios.de
Subject: Re: [Opensim-users] Correcting Metaverse Time

Same for me, Robert.  Google Calendar works the same way. I just choose my time-zone.  Why not have the viewer show UTC and the local time of the user, just to help the user be able to see the Universal Grid Time at a glance?  All grid serverscould keep their time set by a reliable ntp server and passed on to the viewer/client.

Also, in the future, the viewer could very likely simply be a web browser, but I don't want to get too far off topic.


On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 10:36 PM, Robert Klein <rtkwebman at gmail.com> wrote:

Hmm, any meeting or event that I have attended on this planet is generally
formatted in the timezone of the host venue. Anyone attending just has to
deal with it. What about each simulator uses the timezone of whatever the
admin chooses and each viewer simply runs in the timezone of the user's
computer? Scripts could therefore depend on that model and adjust themselves
accordingly. What about a toggle or on/off tick in the viewer? Would it even
need one?

Remember, 2-5 years from now hopefully we will not be depending on the SL
viewer as a stop-gap but instead be using the strengths of our own.


Charles Krinke wrote:
> Frank:
> The issue came up with respect to implementing "events". Someone else
> indicated that certain scripts that use the underlying servers time with
> LSL calls would be affected.
> So, it isnt a sun issue so much as a side affect on co-ordinating things
> from region to region with events, scripts and similar.
> Charles
> ________________________________
> From: Frank W Sweet <fwsweet at backintyme.com>
> To: opensim-users at lists.berlios.de
> Sent: Monday, January 19, 2009 2:01:15 PM
> Subject: Re: [Opensim-users] Correcting Metaverse Time
> Charles Krinke wrote: "those running grids and major standalones that
> are HyperGridded can easily set their sims to UTC without any
> additional prompting from us..."
> Umm. How? The "time" function was removed from the [sun] section of
> opensim.ini because it had no effect.
> Frank W Sweet
> Backintyme Publishing
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Charles Krinke" <cfk at pacbell.net>
> To: <opensim-users at lists.berlios.de>
> Sent: Monday, January 19, 2009 4:46 PM
> Subject: Re: [Opensim-users] Correcting Metaverse Time
> Certainly, those running grids and major standalones that are
> HyperGridded can easily set their sims to UTC without any additional
> prompting from us, and I have already done this with those I can
> directly influence.
> Now that we seem heading towards some semblance of a consensus, let me
> open two itty-bitty "Pandora's Boxen" that others have described to
> me.
> But, there are sims running in folks homes and on servers where for
> other then OpenSim reasons, these folks wish the server (or desktop
> computer in some cases) to run on the local timezone, where ever it
> is. These reasons run from needing mail programs like Outlook to work
> correctly. These folks end up at a disadvantage unless we can tell
> them how to ensure their OpenSim clock is on UTC.
> Another issue is that the SL client itself seems to favor PST, so we
> have client perceptions to deal with. Although as other clients gain
> some wider use, this issue is likely to resolve itself over time.
> I would not want either of these to stop a movement towards an OpenSim
> Metaverse timezone, but, these are the two major issues that folks
> have discussed with me that currently cause them angst.
> With the highest respect to this illustrious group,
> Charles Krinke
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