[Opensim-users] www.opensimworlds.com

Justin Clark-Casey jjustincc at googlemail.com
Fri Dec 4 14:58:37 UTC 2009

Robert Klein wrote:
> Hmm, looks like I am still having some trouble getting this oar into my 0.6.4
> server. I get these errors when I do a load oar:
> 20:12:01 - found unexpected element: GroupScriptStates
> 20:12:01 - found unexpected element: SavedScriptState
> 20:12:01 - found unexpected element: ScriptState
> 20:12:01 - found unexpected element: State
> The console just locks up and nothing else happens. Any ideas what can be
> done about this?

I believe that GroupScriptStates, SavedScriptState etc. are XML elements used in 
serializing a script's state that were introduced after OpenSim 0.6.4.  The OAR 
format itself hasn't changed but the format of the serialized XML for a scene 
object has.

Normally I would expect the extra elements to be ignored on deserialization but 
it looks like this is not happening for some reason and causing the lockup.

I'm going to try and devote some thought to making sure that this doesn't happen 
with future versions of OpenSim.  But for now, Robert, I would have to recommend 
that you upgrade to OpenSim or later.  An alternative would be to 
manually remove the unexpected XML elements from each sog (and sog asset) 

> -Robert
> Robert Klein wrote:
>> Hey AI thanks for the wonderful content and it is really helping to
>> expedite my training and education area. 
>> I did find the overwhelming load culprit though. It is the building with
>> the video screens. There are a number of chairs positioned all thoughout
>> the building and each one has a script. The sim registers somewhere around
>> 450 scripts associated with just that building. I can't imagine having
>> that many avatars sitting in one building! LOL  I deleted that building
>> and re-oared the region, my load oar went from just under 2 hours to just
>> over 4 minutes! 
>> I think this is a valuable lesson on oar sharing. When I design online
>> training content I try to shoot for the LCD (lowest common denominator) or
>> there abouts so people with less awesome machines (laptops, netbooks, and
>> older computers) can still enjoy using the content. We might want to
>> consider this when sharing oars and particularly if we are going to start
>> adopting megaregions.
>> So keep the great content coming and maybe keep the number of chairs on a
>> region to under 50 until we can all get 16 core 32gb totally awesome
>> servers! Ha ha ha...
>> -Robert
>> Karen Palen wrote:
>>> Ai,
>>>> Karen, I assume you mean that in a good way... and are not referring
>>>> to things we have left as clutter underground? 
>>> Yes indeed I DID mean that in a good way - you have put together a lot of
>>> good resources here! 
>>> The buildings themselves are only the obvious portion, the rack of stuff,
>>> the screen, and the overall structure of stuff is not obvious at first
>>> glance but are very potentially useful.
>>> I am building a private role play sim so the education/seminar part does
>>> not directly help me. It will all be useful t some point though, I just
>>> need to figure out where it fits!
>>> I have not seen anything out of place that my setup didn't put there (I
>>> am chasing what could be a prim edit bug or a local resource problem).
>>> I did have a problem when I loaded the oar into region 4 of a 4 region
>>> mega sim, Everything in a mega sim needs to be loaded into region 1 - the
>>> SW most region, but the local coordinates can be greater than 256X ,256Y.
>>> I did not understand that and it gave some strange results.
>>> Karen
>>> --- On Thu, 12/3/09, Ai Austin <ai.ai.austin at googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>> From: Ai Austin <ai.ai.austin at googlemail.com>
>>>> Subject: Re: [Opensim-users] www.opensimworlds.com
>>>> To: opensim-users at lists.berlios.de
>>>> Date: Thursday, December 3, 2009, 5:35 AM
>>>> Robert Klein <rtkwebman at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> *sigh* I guess it will not load as is in 0.6.4 then. I
>>>> may try loading it in
>>>>> a test 0.6.8 then re-oar it out with just the
>>>> buildings. All I really need
>>>>> are those buildings! :)
>>>> Robert, the OpenVCE assets OAR was built on via a
>>>> region on 
>>>> New World Grid.
>>>> Karen Palen <karen_palen at yahoo.com>
>>>> write:
>>>>> That is about what I got, plus a couple of boxes full
>>>> of objects and 
>>>>> textures on the platform.
>>>>> Look at it as building blocks for a new sim - there is
>>>> a lot of 
>>>>> stuff hidden around there!
>>>> Karen, I assume you mean that in a good way... and are not
>>>> referring 
>>>> to things we have left as clutter underground?  We did
>>>> tidy up a few 
>>>> lost items from the builds that had shot up to 768m as is
>>>> common!
>>>> Here is a bit more information for those interested in the
>>>> assets... 
>>>> http://openvce.net/vwassets
>>>> The main buildings are rezzed ready to copy on the region
>>>> using a 
>>>> smallish number of elements for the main buildings where
>>>> necessary 
>>>> (we found that better than trying to do auto-rezzing using
>>>> builders 
>>>> buddy just now), and in the boxes are textures, orientation
>>>> signs, 
>>>> landscaping elements.  A few other useful things like
>>>> flags of the 
>>>> worlds, and two buildings from other open source developers
>>>> that we 
>>>> have found useful on our education and collaboration sims
>>>> are on a 
>>>> rack near the central plaza. Also included is a "freeview"
>>>> screen 
>>>> using the usual open source Second Life script (version
>>>> 1.2) but 
>>>> modifed by us and other open source developers to add
>>>> YouTube url 
>>>> mapping, and fix a problem with media type setting in the
>>>> original 
>>>> script in recent versions of the SL viewer.
>>>> We assume people will take into inventory the buildings
>>>> they want to 
>>>> use for classrooms, meeting spaces, brain storming rooms,
>>>> operations 
>>>> centres and what not, and then build their own layout as
>>>> they find it 
>>>> most helpful.  The buildings are designed to be
>>>> reskinned and 
>>>> coloured very easily.
>>>> Note other element will be coming from the OpenVCE.net
>>>> community 
>>>> including new presentation screens that allow for web based
>>>> upload of 
>>>> PDF presentation, zipped sets of images, etc. We expect
>>>> those also to 
>>>> work in Opensim when released.
>>>> We thanks those in the Opensim community who have already
>>>> contributed 
>>>> and assisted us, and encourage anyone interested to join in
>>>> and 
>>>> contribute to the OpenVCE.net community via http://openvce.net - 
>>>> although its initial focus is to support collaboration
>>>> between 
>>>> emergency responders, it is set up to allow other
>>>> communities to eb 
>>>> supported, and the whole Drupal based web and virtual web
>>>> side to be 
>>>> replicated and hosted by new communities.
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Justin Clark-Casey (justincc)

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