[Opensim-users] standalone vs. grid

Paul Fishwick fishwick at cise.ufl.edu
Wed Nov 26 13:21:15 UTC 2008

Still trying to get my head around the exact differences between
StandAlone vs. Grid. At one time, I thought the word "grid" meant
the rectangular configuration of regions. Is this rectangular collection
of regions called the "sim" instead ?  I can see that in grid mode, one 
fire up each of the 5 main servers + the OpenSim process, each on
a separate computer. One would just reset the .xml files to point to
the correct IPs and database(s)?

However, could one partition the sim by computer? If so, what is
the mapping of computers to sim in terms of where the database(s)
are located and where the 6 processes are located (UGAIM +

For example, if I were to recommend that at the university level,
they should have a grid of, say, 16x16 regions, could this be divided
into 4 4x4 sims, each having separate sets of computers? Thanks --
I've looked online but have not seen this level of detail--I may be
looking in the wrong place.

Dr. Paul A. Fishwick           E-Mail: fishwick at cise.ufl.edu
Dept. of Computer & Info       Phone & FAX: (352) 392-1414
 Science and Engineering       WWW: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/~fishwick
University of Florida          (PGP Key available at above WWW address)
P. O. Box 116120
332 Bldg. CSE, Gainesville, FL 32611-6120

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