[Opensim-users] they way the project works and to support it....

Ralf Haifisch ralf at ralf-haifisch.biz
Mon Dec 22 00:57:09 UTC 2008

Dear all,



I need some idea how to work on this project


My coding is back 20 years, I did develop some other skills and I don´t
wanna go back.  I did follow sl since end 2004 and was a heavy tester in the
time you could email lindens team. But although active via JIRA the later


I did run the first internetserver in the region at that time, and see
plenty similarities in things right now.


I´m pretty impressed by the stuff I see in opensim (wich I follow for ~ 9
month) and after I did sell my estates and almost left SL did decide to put
some time into opensim.  Since then, I did try to promote it (since I think
we need “user” and not only tech and dev people) and tried to report issues
and put up suggestions.  I think that the dev´s did a huge job – but the
project is groing, so maybe the development needs a feedback channel, as
well as more tester to maybe specialize on some issues. There are now common
problems, like people that don´t speak English or have no clue how to use
the usual ticketing tools. Even having to have 3 or more different accounts
is too much for the typical user – for whom the system is created I guess.


I though the way to collaborate is Mantis, but I need some advice.



To have 2 examples:

1)      Feature request – collada 

http://opensimulator.org/mantis/view.php?id=2827  - last comment was “Please
post a note on the opensim-dev mailing list and ask for feedback. If you
cannot write the code for it, then you're going to have to convince one of
the developers to do it, (or get another programmer to do it).  I'm
suspending this pending a mailing list discussion.”  So i´m even doing a
step more and get some user feedback before.  The tickets status is closed.
Closed to me would mean:

-          We will not do that

-          We have done that

Or is mantis just the wrong tool to put in a structured feature request ?

Or mantis is missing a “open for discussion / voting” feature like JIRA ?

2)      Bug report – covenant

http://opensimulator.org/mantis/view.php?id=2879 – i´m now activily
saearching for someone who has a off-world backup of his 

crashed covenant. Spoke to some people who had the same effect.  To me ,
it´s a serious error if a object stored inwolrd is damaged.

Anyway, I can understand if teravus can´t check that without the original
data.  But: if I can´t get someone with a local backup of his

Notecard, the call is to be closed.  To me it´s a maybe seriours problem to
be closed.  I know: it´s alpha software.  

Maybe mantis needs some more states, like “search for evidence till




This are just examples – to me it´s like a wall I hit.   I guess mantis is
just the wrong tool I use.



Any advice to handle my will to support without coding or just consume “as
is”  ?



And sorry if anything is unclear, i´m not a native English speaker.







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