[Opensim-dev] A question

Michel Beauregard gimisa at yahoo.fr
Tue May 30 14:44:22 UTC 2017

I am a bit puzzled and google dont seem to be able to help me here. On grid running 090RC2  I wanted to create a new account as follows:
R.O.B.U.S.T.# create user
First name [Default]: gimisa
Last name [User]: bot
Email []: gimisa at hotmail.fr
User ID [ca7c51f8-310a-4cfb-9ba8-4d06f0287eb2]:
Model name []:
09:59:48 - [USER ACCOUNT SERVICE]: Unable to set password for account gimisa bot.
09:59:48 - [USER ACCOUNT SERVICE]: Unable to retrieve home region for account gimisa bot.
09:59:48 - [USER ACCOUNT SERVICE]: Account gimisa bot ca7c51f8-310a-4cfb-9ba8-4d06f0287eb2 created successfully

Not retreiving home region is normal but not being able to create password is puzzling me . Reset Password is not able to change password neither. 
R.O.B.U.S.T.# reset user password
First name: gimisa
Last name: bot
New password:
Unable to reset password for account gimisa bot.

Access from exisiting user and from HG users coming in is no problem. 

Reseting existing password is ALSO a problem.R.O.B.U.S.T.# reset user password
First name: gimisa
Last name: cerise
New password:    
Unable to reset password for account gimisa cerise.

 I suspect that the user account database is the problem. It was imported using mysql dump database to transfer the user database information to a new setup. I suspect this behing the cause of the malfunction. Am I correct? And if so what is the migration solution in this case?

Hope someone can point me in the correct direction as to what could prevent password initiation. 
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