[Opensim-dev] Baked Texture persistence?

Neil Canham neil at knowsense.co.uk
Sun Sep 25 08:25:42 UTC 2011

Ah - I hadn't appreciated that NPCs need to be cloned from a logged in AV.
 That makes sense.

As for the persistence, like Mic I think there is potentially an argument
for it, as an option, for closed private sims for example, or sims where you
expect a lot of people to log in at roughly the same time.  However, I
appreciate that would be a big change so thanks for clarifying how it
operates now.

On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 11:18 PM, Justin Clark-Casey <
jjustincc at googlemail.com> wrote:

> For ordinary avatars, baked textures don't need permanent persistence since
> the avatar uploads them on every login or when any body part/wearable is
> changed.  This will have no effect on slow rezzing or cloudiness - if a
> viewer is in the region it should always have uploaded the textures that it
> bakes.
> Indeed, there's little value in persisting these since the client will
> upload them on every login/region entrance. Persisting baked textures would
> bloat the asset service more than is already the case.
> An NPC, on the other hand, has no viewer from which these baked textures
> are uploaded.  So they have to be disk persisted at the point from which it
> is cloned from a 'live' avatar.
> On 24/09/11 19:28, Neil Canham wrote:
>> I confess that I am puzzled.  I found this fantastic description from Mic
>> of how 0.7 appearance works
>> http://opensim-dev.2196679.n2.**nabble.com/What-I-ve-Learned-**
>> About-AvatarAppearance-**td5655933.html<http://opensim-dev.2196679.n2.nabble.com/What-I-ve-Learned-About-AvatarAppearance-td5655933.html>and it fits with what I
>> see analysing the packets against 0.7.1.  So that seems quite clearly to
>> say that baked textures are never persisted,
>> and that would explain the slow rezzing and 'cloudiness' of avatars that I
>> see regularly.  However, the new npc code
>> seems to require that a baked texture is available to copy from. So are
>> baked textures now persisted in the latest code?
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