[Opensim-dev] LibOMV 0.9.1, Wearables and issues with wearable body pars and clothing items in recent OpenSim

Latif Khalifa lkalif at openmv.org
Sun Sep 4 02:37:50 UTC 2011

If all wearables appear as "shape" it means that Second Inventory is
not properly setting Flags field of InventoryItem when restoring them.
Flags in inventory items is wearable type, and type 0 is shape.

The patch you mention only allows libomv clients not to choke on some
very old wearables that still float around Second Life.


On Sat, Sep 3, 2011 at 11:13 PM, Ai Austin <ai.ai.austin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Lib OpenMetaVerse 0.9.1 - just released - seems to have a fix for some
> wearable items that may address issues I have been seeing on a number of
> grids when uploading body parts and basic clothing items for my avatar..
> uploaded to grids and perhaps some test 0.7.2 dev grids.  They all
> appear with a "shape" icon even though Second Inventory reports them as
> having the correct types for clothes and parts.
> http://openmetaverse.org/projects/libopenmetaverse/20110903/libopenmetaverse-release-091
> [LIBOMV-907] - [PATCH] Support decoding of old wearable assets (LLWearable
> version 15 and 16)
> I am not sure if this is a server thing, or related to the Second Inventory
> tool. I have mentioned this to the Second Inventory developers too.
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