[Opensim-dev] LibOMV 0.9.1, Wearables and issues with wearable body pars and clothing items in recent OpenSim

Ai Austin ai.ai.austin at gmail.com
Sat Sep 3 21:13:23 UTC 2011

Lib OpenMetaVerse 0.9.1 - just released - seems to have a fix for 
some wearable items that may address issues I have been seeing on a 
number of grids when uploading body parts and basic clothing items 
for my avatar.. uploaded to grids and perhaps some test 0.7.2 
dev grids.  They all appear with a "shape" icon even though Second 
Inventory reports them as having the correct types for clothes and parts.


[LIBOMV-907] - [PATCH] Support decoding of old wearable assets 
(LLWearable version 15 and 16)

I am not sure if this is a server thing, or related to the Second 
Inventory tool. I have mentioned this to the Second Inventory developers too.

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