[Opensim-dev] Region module project for addition to forge

Fleep Tuque fleep513 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 8 14:58:08 UTC 2011

Abuse by who?  The grid operator?  If the grid operator has malicious
intent, there are any number of tools at their disposal already baked into
Opensim.  I'd argue that there could be as many perfectly legitimate reasons
for wanting to require a user to wear a particular attachment or HUD as
there could be malicious ones.  Ditto for requiring a user to wear a
particular attachment in order to enter or use a particular region.

In the use case I had in mind, both of these functions (the ability to kick
a user who declined, or the ability to deny a user the option to remove an
attachment) would both serve very beneficial purposes.  We're working on a
cardiac arrest simulation with our Colleges of Engineering and Medicine, and
it simply doesn't work unless the HUD is attached.  I'd prefer to have users
automatically wear the HUD upon entering the region, and be unable to remove
it until they exit the region since everything breaks (including tracking
how long students spend in the simulation, a component of our assessment
criteria) if the HUD is taken off.

Such a module as Kevin described would be a terrific addition to our project
and I can imagine other beneficial use-cases as well.


- Chris/Fleep

Chris M. Collins (SL: Fleep Tuque)
Project Manager, UC Second Life
UCit Instructional & Research Computing
University of Cincinnati
406E Zimmer Hall
PO Box 210088
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0088
chris.collins at uc.edu


On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 10:38 AM, R. Gunther <rigun at rigutech.com> wrote:

>  The only good and safe optiuon from the module you have in mind.
> - kick the avatar if they deny that permission or don't respond within a
> timeout.
> The things that sounds bad:
> The automatic attachments and not removeable attachments sound a bit tricky
> and dangerous.
> Also change avatar attachment sound bad and dangerous.
> At least make it so, that the module always ask permission to attach
> something, and what get attached.
> But still a option with lots of holes to abuse.
> On 2011-10-08 14:39, Kevin Houlihan wrote:
> Hi all,
>  I signed up a project for addition to the opensim forge a few weeks ago,
> but I haven't received any feedback on it. BlueWall and Nebadon suggested
> that I send a message about it to the list...
>  The project is a region module which adds attachments based on specified
> assets to avatars arriving in the region. It can optionally also prevent the
> avatar from removing the attachment. Other options include requesting
> permission to modify the avatar's attachments, and to kick the avatar if
> they deny that permission or don't respond within a timeout. The module can
> also be extended to perform the attachment or not depending on who the
> avatar is (attaching certain things to "guests" and other things to
> "subscribers", say).
>  The idea was really to allow a grid owner to add grid-wide branding or UI
> through HUD attachments, but I'm sure there are probably other uses.
>  I'm not sure if there's a policy about what can be included in the forge,
> but maybe I didn't get feedback because this violates it? I can understand
> that people might be sensitive about a region modifying their avatar if it
> were to be run on one attached to OSG or another open grid...
>  --
> randomhuman
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