[Opensim-dev] Built libbullet shared object libraries for Linux but this isn't what you wanted!

Justin Clark-Casey jjustincc at googlemail.com
Sun Jun 26 23:47:39 UTC 2011

Hi Robert.  I briefly putzed around with building shared object Bullet 2.78 under Linux tonight and popped the results 
in as commit 23bf773 on the bulletsim branch.

However, I just realised that you weren't asking for the bullet libraries to be built.  What you were really asking for 
in http://lists.berlios.de/pipermail/opensim-dev/2011-June/010271.html were Linux/OSX makefiles to build your 
BulletSim.dll interfacing library in the opensim-libs svn repo (for which anonymous access is unfortunately not 
currently working - this need to be fixed).

That doesn't look too difficult but it's a little more involved for me since it's a long time since I wrote a Makefile. 
  I don't know when I might get a slice of time to do that, so I think help from anybody else would still be very much 

Justin Clark-Casey (justincc)

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