[Opensim-dev] OpenSim Library

Ursula MATOVA ursula.matova at klintcentral.net
Tue Dec 29 15:44:02 UTC 2009

Hi Diva,

Thanks for your answer,

You're right, the method I posted is a really dirty hack :)

So, let's the core-dev-team finish their refactoring quietly :D

Thanks again,

Le 29 déc. 09 à 16:34, diva at metaverseink.com a écrit :

> What you're describing is exactly the process I first had in mind for
> doing this. It would work both for standalones and grids. However I
> decided not to do it like that for a couple of reasons:
> 1) There is a horrible dependency in IARs to scenes -- precisely  
> related
> to decoding that and other fields that encode UUIDs. The IAR facility
> instantiates SceneObjectGroup so that it can reach the UUIDs inside;
> that means that anything that uses IAR for other purposes  needs to
> include the entire OpenSim.Region.Framework.dll, which is one of the
> biggest DLLs of OpenSim, essentially the core of the simulator. In  
> other
> words, if you want to do anything with IARs right now, you need to  
> load
> the simulator code... it's so wrong that I couldn't force myself to  
> do this.
> 2) Even if that dependency didn't exist, the process you describe  
> would
> still be a quick & dirty hack. As Adam pointed out, now that we have
> archives, it doesn't make any sense to load the library from the file
> system representation that the current Library uses. We should load  
> the
> Library from archives, no need to extract them into the file system  
> first.
> We are currently refactoring the user services -- the last push to  
> move
> everything to the new services architecture. We're going to have to  
> fix
> the Library issues too, to some extent, because right now in grid mode
> the library is being instantiated by the user server, which is a mess.
> But the new IAR library load facility won't be on for grids until that
> nasty dependency (1) is eliminated -- there's no way *I* will code  
> up a
> library service that loads OpenSim.Region.Framework.dll... (maybe
> someone else will do it, but not me)
> Ursula MATOVA wrote:
>> Wall, in grid mode, it's possible to use iar content to add objects  
>> to
>> OpenSim Library "by hand" :
>> 1/ untar the IAR file ( tar -xf archive.iar )
>> 2/ find ".xml" files in the assets directory
>> 3/ create entry in "ObjectsAssetSet.xml"
>> 4/ create entry in "ObjectsLibraryItems.xml"
>> Clear you client cache & restart OpenSim ...
>> The only point is : you cannot rez objects directly from OpenSim
>> Library ... you first need to copy them to your Inventory.
>> It's working like a charm even if those operations need to be  
>> automated.
>> I have one question about textures defined in the xml file :
>> In the IAR archive, you have all jp2 textures files used in objects,
>> but there are no references to them into the xml file ( I mean no
>> references to their UUID ).
>> The only thing is something like that :
>> <TextureEntry>D8A5VoXjdbelfuLe7gQXwgpUpwVqTnrFznsGUr19LB2/
>> I guess that's some special encoding ... but cannot find the "link"
>> between the texture itself, it's UUID and that line.
>> Can somebody explain that ?
>> Because, I'm sure that you need to load textures too, not only the
>> xml. specially in case of using the assets in a foreign grid/ 
>> database.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Ursula.
>> ( Sorry my english is poor today :D )
>> Le 29 déc. 09 à 05:03, Robert Martin a écrit :
>>> On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 10:55 PM,  <diva at metaverseink.com> wrote:
>>>> Not the most elegant thing to do, but if you do
>>>> $tar -tvf archive.iar
>>>> you'll get a manifest of sorts of what's inside.
>>> i pulled up the file in a text editor (after unpacking) and there
>>> seems to be some sort of XML header and then i would guess the  
>>> various
>>> assets all packed into a single file
>>> so does anybody have a good collection of IAR files (more than say a
>>> dozen)? if you need hosting i do have some webspace i can set you up
>>> with.
>>> -- 
>>> Robert L Martin
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