[Opensim-dev] Opensim Wave?

Aldon Hynes Aldon.Hynes at Orient-Lodge.com
Sat Dec 5 13:33:40 UTC 2009

So far, I know of three Open Source OpenWave servers.


This is the Google version, available under Apache License 2.0.  There are a
lot of us running these servers.  I have one up and running that any of you
are free to use.  Being the standard reference server, lots of people are
developing around it.  It is still very primative, but has some neat stuff.
Key features:  It federates with other FedOne servers, including the Google
Sandbox.  I've successfully federated with Google Sandbox and other FedOne
servers in the past, but recently have been having problems federating.  The
production Google Server does not yet support Federation.  It also supports
not only the simple console client that comes with it, but QWaveClient, a
nice little client written in QT.  I've used the QWaveClient to connect to
my server.  The other thing that I find most annoying about FedOne is that
currently waves are not persistent between server sessions.

Ruby on Sails
This is written by a young man named Dan.  I don't think he's thought much
about the licensing issues.  I've run this on my server, although I don't
usually have it running.  It looks really nice.  I'm told that it now
supports Federation with FedOne servers, but I haven't tested it yet.  There
is not a standard client/server protocol defined yet, but the folks working
on FedOne appear to be evolving one and the Dan at Ruby on Sails is working
on getting his code to with the emerging client server protocol.  I hope and
expect to be able to use a Ruby on Sails Client with a FedOne server soon,
as well as using a QWaveClient or the FedOne Console Client to connect to
Ruby on Sails Server.  I believe waves are persistent on this server.

This was an early effort to build a Wave Server in Python.  Last I knew
PyGoWave did not Federate or talk with other clients.  I believe the waves
are persistent.

Both FedOne and Ruby on Sails require that you have an XMPP server up and
running.  I've been using the OpenFire XMPP server, although I've heard
others have had success with jabberd and Prosody.

Hope this helps.  I'd love to chat about collaborating.  Adding Wave
capabilities to Naali sounds especially interesting.


-----Original Message-----
From: opensim-dev-bounces at lists.berlios.de
[mailto:opensim-dev-bounces at lists.berlios.de]On Behalf Of Jeroen van
Sent: Saturday, December 05, 2009 8:20 AM
To: opensim-dev at lists.berlios.de
Subject: Re: [Opensim-dev] Opensim Wave?


Is the google wave server component open sourced as well? I read somewhere
that only the wave protocol is open, and that google will be the only
provider for now. Concerning functionality, i personally like the idea of a
realtime collaborative text editor for the web. When it comes to this
functionality, the libinfinote library(lgpl) from the gobby project may be
interesting. It's then just a matter of creating a js-client with orbited as
comet server, and later switch to websockets when they are supported by the
main browsers.

With ogre as the renderer in Naali, it may be not so much work to integrate
in-world awesomium browser that uses this technology.


Op zaterdag 05 december 2009 02:21:43 schreef Rich White:
> XMPP/Jabber are also supported by OpenCobalt so further support of
> XMPP by Opensim could prove to be a starting point to virtual world
> convergence with regard to platforms.  A bit more here -
> http://roots.greenbush.us/?p=867
> Cheers,
> Rich
> ==
> On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 5:33 PM, Aldon Hynes
> <Aldon.Hynes at orient-lodge.com> wrote:
> > Okay, I must admit I've mostly been sitting on the sidelines recently.
> > still have OpenSim 0.5 installed on a computer or two...
> >
> > Anyway, there have been some interesting discussions recently about
> > Second Life - Google Wave integration.  Much of it is focused on the
> > that Google Wave runs as a XMPP component (XEP-114).  I seem to recall
> > there had been some work with OpenSim/XMPP.  Looking at it, it looks
> > OpenSim/XMPP is focused on OpenSim as an XMPP client instead of an XMPP
> > component.
> >
> > Are there people around interested in OpenSim/Wave connectivity?
> > Thoughts about what that might look like?  Drop me a note if your
> > interested.
> >
> > I do have a FedOne Wave server running and have been testing different
> > clients and would love to share ideas.
> >
> > Aldon
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