[Opensim-dev] terrain and blank assets, do they need to be non temporary?

Michael Wright michaelwri22 at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Mar 12 09:22:38 UTC 2008

I would need to check what the blank assets are, but think they might be baked textures. But anyway we have to remember that we have a temporary flag and a local flag, and we need to treat them differently. At the moment we treat temporary as though it means local, when it shouldn't. Temporary should mean it gets sent to the asset server but is only kept for a certain amount of time. Local should mean a asset isn't sent to the asset server, but is only stored locally. While having both local and temporary set to true, should result in what we currently do for temporary assets, that is keep them local and only around for a short period of time.

As Stefan said, Terrain textures need to get added to the asset server, but should be marked as temporary. As other regions need those textures so a user can see the world map. 

Stefan Andersson <stefan at tribalmedia.se> wrote:    .hmmessage P { margin:0px; padding:0px } body.hmmessage { FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma }  Ah, hold on; if this is in a grid setting, you want to retain the terrain asset on the grid server for map generation; so, if the region goes down, and the grid goes down (or would chuck the map asset out of cache) when it comes up, the grid should be able to serve maps even if the region hasn't come up yet.


> Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 17:47:44 -0400
> From: sean at dague.net
> To: opensim-dev at lists.berlios.de
> Subject: [Opensim-dev] terrain and blank assets, do they need to be non temporary?
> Two asset names are the cause for a large amount of content in the
> assets database at the moment, being terrain assets and blank assets.
> Any idea if these really need to be non temporary?  Are the terrain
> assets created at start from the RegionStore?  Could they be made to do
> so?
>        -Sean
> -- 
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> Sean Dague                                       Mid-Hudson Valley
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