[Opensim-dev] Wright Plaza Crash - Physics

Chris Down chris.down at alcor.co.uk
Thu Oct 25 16:07:45 UTC 2007

Earlier today Wright Plaza on OSgrid crashed. Unfortunately I caused this
crash whilst comparing results I was getting with my standalone sim with
that of Wright Plaza in osgrid. 

I was able to reproduce the crash on my standalone sim and I thought the
information may be of use. If I fly to the corner of my region (0,0 seems to
be worse) and keep flying for a few seconds and then try and fly back
eventually the avatar flies back into the region even though it never leaves
the region. If I then walk towards the corner of the region at 0,0 and then
back away and then walk forward, back away and walk forward again
(repeated), eventually the avatar moves forward in "quick step". If I then
back away and walk forward a few times and then stop, the avatar starts to
jump and return to the ground, jump again etc. and the height of the jumps
grows exponentially until OpenSim crashes.

There may be other ways of creating this effect, however I found this one

If you need more information please feel free to ask. I have a standalone
sim of 4 regions running with OpenSim SVN r2185 using Mono 1.2.5 on a SuSE
Linux 10.2. 


Chris Down

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