[Opensim-dev] so many dll's, so little time

Tleiades Hax tleiades at gmail.com
Wed Oct 17 11:57:40 UTC 2007

10/17/2007  01:58 AM           270,336 log4net.dll

log4net is not currently being used, but it is  tied up with the ongoing
debate on what to do with logging.

10/17/2007  01:47 AM           110,592 CookComputing.XmlRpcV2.dll

http://www.xml-rpc.net/  XML-RPC.NET is released under the terms of the MIT
X11 <http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html> license:

(we do not use it in OpenSim, however, libsecondlife references this dll)

10/17/2007  01:58 AM            52,224 Mono.Data.SqliteClient.dll

This dll is part of the mono framework, but depends on SQLite (
http://www.sqlite.org/) SQLite is part of the public domain.

10/17/2007  01:47 AM            36,864 MonoXnaCompactMaths.dll
> 10/17/2007  01:47 AM           266,240 MySql.Data.dll

 This is used for accessing the MySql database via ado.net. This component
is GPL. However, MySQL has a "FLOSS License Exception".
http://www.mysql.com/company/legal/licensing/foss-exception.html where our
BSD license is specifically mentioned as a permissible license.

10/17/2007  01:47 AM           363,609 sqlite3.dll

Se my comments about Mono.Data.SqliteClient.dll

10/17/2007  01:47 AM           568,832 System.Data.SQLite.dll

 I don't know where this is used, but I believe that it comes from this
place http://sqlite.phxsoftware.com/
and that web-site has the following information:
"*Full Source Included.  100% Free.*
The full source to the wrapper and SQLite engine is in the public domain.
There are zero licensing restrictions for private or commercial use."

10/17/2007  01:47 AM            40,960 XMLRPC.dll

I have a mail on the mailing list regarding this one too. I believe that it
is some kind of early version or derivative work of
http://xmlrpccs.sourceforge.net/ there is a match on namespace used, and the
functionality, except for the signature of one method call. Due to the
decision we made yesterday about moving away from XML-RPC towards REST, that
way all OpenSim code depending on this dll will be gone. The SLProxy tool
from libsl has a dependency on this dll.

I hope this helps clarify a few things.

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