[Opensim-dev] Usage of trimeshes, was: Open Mantis issue, already incorporated

Dünnebeil Gerhard Gerhard.Duennebeil at arcs.ac.at
Sat Oct 6 14:55:04 UTC 2007


>> There's code for this in the client, but of course that's GPL and cannot be

I looked into the viewer code and can't find it there.
Maybe someone with can hint me to that. Personally I believe that they use OpenGL for that, so we can't access that for physics usage.
And yes, there is that issue of GPL ....

>> Otherwise I expect this to be a long and laborious process.

In the meantime I gave that a lot thinking and came to the conclusion, that the trimeshing itself is only a small part of the problem.
It seems more to boil down to geometric operations between polygons:
Start with the simple surface, subtracts cuts from it, subtract hollows from that and finally make a transformation that takes tapering and all other deformations into account.

Currently I'm looking for a good geometry library to use for that; my prim candidate is a lib named CGAL.

Any opinions, comments on that?

best regards

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: opensim-dev-bounces at lists.berlios.de im Auftrag von dan miller
Gesendet: Do 10/4/2007 9:33
An: opensim-dev at lists.berlios.de
Betreff: Re: [Opensim-dev] Open Mantis issue, already incorporated
> It would be nice if someone with "powers" would care for that...
> ... making room for new issues :-)

done.  I was looking at what it will take to mesh all the remaining prim
types.  It looks like quite a job.

There's code for this in the client, but of course that's GPL and cannot be
used.  I'm wondering if someone somewhere has done work to visualize the
prims outside of the LL codebase?  Or perhaps there exists some library with
an appropriate license that does something similar?  A visual mesh that
keeps the tri count low can be converted into a trimesh for collision in ODE
without too much trouble.

Otherwise I expect this to be a long and laborious process.


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