[Opensim-dev] In World Office Hours Redux (was Re: How tocontribute to OpenSim?)

Tleiades tleiades at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 6 12:48:10 UTC 2007

I'm in :-)

ps. how about setting up a google calendar, or something like it?
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sean Dague" <sean at dague.net>
To: <opensim-dev at lists.berlios.de>
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 2:41 PM
Subject: [Opensim-dev] In World Office Hours Redux (was Re: How tocontribute 
to OpenSim?)

> On Sat, Oct 06, 2007 at 09:10:42AM +0200, Tleiades wrote:
>> Hi
>> Some of you might know that I have been hanging out on IRC for a couple 
>> of
>> weeks now. Over time I have become more and more confused about how to
>> contribute to this project, in any other capacity other than running a 
>> sim
>> and logging into it.
>> By heart I am a developer, designer and archtect, with pretty decent
>> expericence on databses, comm's protocols, that is what I do; naturally I
>> feel this is where I can contribute the most, but the question is: "Where
>> can I do the most good?"
> I think the last couple of weeks have been badly scattered for most of
> the core developers, which has really given you the short end of the
> stick.  Sorry about that.
> Previously I had posted the idea of doing some in world office hours of
> our own to start getting a bit more organized.  I'd like to bring up
> that proposal again.  The near term goal should be banging out a pretty
> extensive todo list on the wiki to help all of us figure out what the
> next right pieces of code are to work on.
> Based on the previous posts of people's availability I'm going to
> suggest:
> 15:00 EDT (US Eastern Standard Time) which is 19:00 UTC (back track to
> your timezone here: http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc on
> Tuesday, Oct 9th, for a kickoff of this.  It will be in world on an
> OpenSim Sim (probably something on osgrid), but details on location can
> be figured out once we know we've got a time worked out.
> This should be after work for all the .eu folks, and noon for the west
> coasters (so hopefully they can attend on their lunch break).  Please
> respond back about availability for this.  It would be good to have as
> many folks as possible there.
>     -Sean
> -- 
> __________________________________________________________________
> Sean Dague                                       Mid-Hudson Valley
> sean at dague dot net                            Linux Users Group
> http://dague.net                                 http://mhvlug.org
> There is no silver bullet.  Plus, werewolves make better neighbors
> than zombies, and they tend to keep the vampire population down.
> __________________________________________________________________
> _______________________________________________
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