[Opensim-dev] Assembly version

Tleiades tleiades at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 6 13:07:14 UTC 2007


I have noticed that quite a few of the dynamically loaded assemblies have a 
version property, and that the version string is hard-coded, making the 
maintenance of this version information manual, and error prone.

Why don't we use the AssemblyVersion property in the assemblyinfo.cs file? 
and then have subversion maintain and update the information, either on 
check in or out.

The following is a piece of code, which can extract the version information 
using reflection.

public string getVersion()
 System.Reflection.Module module = this.GetType().Module;
 string dllName = module.Assembly.ManifestModule.Name;
 Version dllVersion = module.Assembly.GetName().Version;

 return string.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}", dllVersion.Major, dllVersion.Minor, 
dllVersion.Build, dllVersion.Revision);


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