[Opensim-users] latest osslEnable.ini - (git master: 6bac44e)

dz dz at bitzend.net
Fri Jun 30 15:38:01 UTC 2017


This conversation seems to beg  for input....


"  ...          This does not relate directly to security in all cases:
osGetAgentIP does not check thread level anymore..."

osGetAgentIP  has the  MOST potential to be a security issue...

I mean  REALLY???     you rate the possibility of someone  animating  your
avatar without your permission as a higher threat  than allowing someone
with a script to do a geo-locate on a person USING an avatar???     That
seems  just wrong to me....

I have a long history of arguing  with devs about  the  threat level they
seem to arbitrarily decide to apply.  If you are going to do something
 WRONG,  at least do it  consistently,  so us  mortals  can use functions
that are truly useful  ( without having to beg each and every grid admin
and convince them that  Animating the NPC they allowed us  to generate
 isn't going to allow us  to track him/her  down in RL ).


P.S.   I've chopped the rest of the conversation  because I'm pretty  sure
 no one  REALLY want to re-read the 5 iterations of  Back and Forth..

> *********************************************
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