[Opensim-users] Find a mesh error in new release

AJLDuarte ajlduarte at sapo.pt
Wed Aug 16 19:18:13 UTC 2017

	It is a prim/part named "Mesh" and has uuid db7a33ab-3bf3-4c95-9f52-0eca72105af3
	In world you can try to use viewers area search to find by name.
	In region console you can try "show part id db7a33ab -3bf3-4c95-9f52-0eca72105af3"
	Do "help objects" for a few more commands that may be usefull

-----Original Message-----
From: opensim-users-bounces at opensimulator.org [mailto:opensim-users-bounces at opensimulator.org] On Behalf Of Luisillo Contepomi
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2017 17:52
To: opensim-users at opensimulator.org
Subject: [Opensim-users] Find a mesh error in new release

Hi all,
How can I find this object. I do not know name or location.
The uuid indicated from where is? is object is prim in a object ...¿?
Thank you for your ideas.

18:48:02 - [ubOde]: start processing pending actor operations
18:48:03 - [MESH]: invalid degenerated mesh for prim mesh/db7a33ab-3bf3-4c95-9f5
2-0eca72105af3 ignored
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