[Opensim-users] Nasty vibration walking on terrain

Luisillo Contepomi luisillo at contepomi.net
Sun Mar 1 09:40:51 UTC 2015

In my case the vibration is evident only when avatar stop. Others 
avatars with higth < 120cm. have the vibration all time.


El 01/03/2015 a las 3:16, Ethan Grammatikidis escribió:
> Thank you Mister Blue, that's just the info I was hoping for. I wish I'd
> waited a little longer to start writing my previous reply.
> On Sun, Mar 1, 2015, at 01:38 AM, Mister Blue wrote:
>> I don't see this in my testing but It can easily happen if the avatar
>> height computation is not exactly synchronized between the simulator
>> and the viewer[1].
>> If you are running BulletSim, the simulator setting you mention is
>> documented at
>> http://opensimulator.org/wiki/BulletSim#Adjusting_Avatar_Height . You
>> can up the AvatarHeightLowFudge a little and see if that helps. if you
>> have access to the console, you can test values with "physics set
>> AvatarHeightLowFudge 0.2" after changing to the region being tested.
>> -- mb
>> [1] For the technically inclined, the avatar is represented by a
>>      rectangular shape. In the simulator, this shape uses physics to
>>      rest on the terrain. The height of the avatar is divided by two
>>      and added to this bottom location and sent to the viewer. The
>>      viewer then divides its belief in the avatars height and subtracts
>>      that from the location from the simulator to get the bottom of the
>>      avatar. If that bottom is below where the viewer thinks the
>>      terrain is, the viewer will move the avatar up a little to correct
>>      the overlap. Given differences that can happen between the
>>      simulator and viewer, they can start fighting each other with the
>>      simulator placing the avatar with where it thinks it is and the
>>      viewer making corrections depending on its calculation. This
>>      fighting creates the jitter. Many attempts have been made to
>>      reduce these height problems for all avatar heights and all
>>      versions of the viewers but a perfect solution has not yet been
>>      coded.
>> On Sat, Feb 28, 2015 at 4:33 PM, Luisillo Contepomi
>> <luisillo at contepomi.net> wrote:
>>> Hi Ethan,
> I detect this problem on avatars size 3'10" / 46 Inch / 118cm. With
> Singularity and Firestorm viewers.
> What viewer are you using and the OpenSim Version and your avatar size?
> (I think the limit for this problem is < 120cm.)
> I am using Firestorm (last release) on OpenSim and I have not
> this problem. My size is 4'5" / 53 Inch / 135cm. But with Singularity
> and other viewers I have this problem.
> Best regards,
> Luisillo
> El 28/02/2015 a las 22:53, Ethan Grammatikidis escribió:
> Hi. When walking on sim terrain in a short avatar, I get really nasty
> vibrations, making my view shake and everything. It's bad enough that I
> can hardly walk around. This has been going on for over a year now, but
> I just found it can be greatly reduced by a config change. I'd
> appreciate any info on what config option it might be, and why the
> default is so awful. (Would a change to that option make OpenSim more
> likely to crash?)
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