[Opensim-users] Fw: Load OAR --default-user

Justin Clark-Casey jjustincc at googlemail.com
Thu Feb 19 00:56:17 UTC 2015

What database adapter are you using?

What output do you get when you execute the commands

show account ztarlite ball


show account Ztarlite Ball


On 17/02/15 01:37, Thomas Ringate wrote:
> Justin,
> Thank you for trying this.  Here are my actual log entries for when I:
> - logged in on the 13th as Ztarlite Ball
> - ran the LOAD OAR using the name as spelled when I created this account
> - tried to create an account "ztarlite ball" using all lower case (that failed saying there already was an account by
> that name)
> - then tried a LOAD OAR using the name as  all lower case (that worked even though I never created such an account name)
> As I did these steps that user name did not exist in any form prior to me creating it.
> When I tried to create the name with all lower case it would not let me do it.
> looking at the user account table in the database there was a user with the name Ztarlite Ball
> Even now there is only one entry in the account table with the name Ztarlite Ball.
> Since I was successful at loading the OAR using the all lowercase name I tried loading it again using the correct
> spelling and now it does load the OAR using either spelling.
> If I do a "show account Ztarlite Ball, or ztarlite ball it now displays either but with the identical UUID.  The
> database only has one entry in it for Ztarlite Ball, and it uses the upper case first letters.
> Before I could not login using all lowercase.
> My own user account Slow Putzo will not let me log in with slow putzo.
> When using either form of the account Ztarlite Ball I get the exact same avatar but the upper case version
> Here are the log entries for when I first tried to do this.
> 2015-02-13 21:54:21,328 INFO  - OpenSim.Services.LLLoginService.LLLoginService [LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login request for
> Ztarlite Ball at home using viewer Cool VL Viewer, channel Cool VL Viewer, IP, Mac
> 30cdaf342d5baec8db66e3ee346e495c, Id0 b970a44a33ae62c4c5802f4370530945
> 2015-02-13 21:54:21,452 DEBUG - OpenSim.Services.LLLoginService.LLLoginService [LLOGIN SERVICE]: Finding destination
> matching start location home for Ztarlite Ball
> 2015-02-13 21:54:21,501 DEBUG - OpenSim.Services.LLLoginService.LLLoginService [LLOGIN SERVICE]: Found destination
> Sanctuary-Home, endpoint for Ztarlite Ball
> 2015-02-13 21:54:21,504 DEBUG - OpenSim.Services.HypergridService.UserAgentService [USER AGENT SERVICE]: Request to
> login user Ztarlite Ball (@ to grid http://tringate.us.to:9180/
> 2015-02-13 21:54:21,517 INFO  - OpenSim.Services.HypergridService.GatekeeperService [GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Login request
> for Ztarlite Ball @ http://tringate.us.to:9180/ (727c10ae-be97-4001-9b70-04c59ea1417b) at
> 3d4bdbc2-3bd5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66 using viewer Cool VL Viewer, channel Cool VL Viewer, IP,
> Mac 30cdaf342d5baec8db66e3ee346e495c, Id0 b970a44a33ae62c4c5802f4370530945, Teleport Flags: ViaHome, ViaLogin. From
> region Unknown
> 2015-02-13 21:54:21,519 DEBUG - OpenSim.Services.HypergridService.GatekeeperService [GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Identity
> verified for Ztarlite Ball @ http://tringate.us.to:9180/
> 2015-02-13 21:54:21,522 DEBUG - OpenSim.Services.HypergridService.GatekeeperService [GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: User Ztarlite
> Ball is ok
> ******  NEXT DAY tried to do a LOAD OAR
> 2015-02-14 21:17:24,489 INFO  - OpenSim.Framework.Servers.ServerBase [SERVER BASE]: Running 'change region Emerald Isle'
> 2015-02-14 21:17:24,489 INFO  - OpenSim.Framework.Servers.ServerBase [SERVER BASE]: Running 'load oar --default-user
> "Ztarlite Ball" /var/opensim/backup/stand-alone/OAR/Emerald-Isle1.gz'
> 2015-02-14 21:17:24,517 ERROR - OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.World.Archiver.ArchiverModule [ARCHIVER MODULE] cannot find
> specified default user Ztarlite Ball
> 2015-02-14 21:27:23,887 INFO  - OpenSim.Framework.Servers.ServerBase [SERVER BASE]: Running 'load oar --default-user
> "Ztarlite Ball" /var/opensim/backup/stand-alone/OAR/Emerald-Isle1.gz'
> 2015-02-14 21:27:23,887 ERROR - OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.World.Archiver.ArchiverModule [ARCHIVER MODULE] cannot find
> specified default user Ztarlite Ball
> ******  Tried to create an account of ztarlite ball.
> 2015-02-14 22:03:56,309 ERROR - OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.UserAccountService [USER ACCOUNT SERVICE]: A user
> with the name ztarlite ball already exists!
> ******  Ran the LOAD OAR using the lowercase spelling and it worked.
> 2015-02-14 22:05:27,865 INFO  - OpenSim.Framework.Servers.ServerBase [SERVER BASE]: Running 'change region Emerald Isle'
> 2015-02-14 22:05:27,865 INFO  - OpenSim.Framework.Servers.ServerBase [SERVER BASE]: Running 'load oar --default-user
> "ztarlite ball" /var/opensim/backup/stand-alone/OAR/Emerald-Isle1.gz'
> ******  TODAYS testing
> 2015-02-16 18:05:41,144 ERROR - OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.UserAccountService [USER ACCOUNT SERVICE]: A user
> with the name ztarlite ball already exists!
> 2015-02-16 18:53:13,369 INFO  - OpenSim.Services.LLLoginService.LLLoginService [LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login request for
> ztarlite ball at home using viewer Cool VL Viewer, channel Cool VL Viewer, IP, Mac
> 8aec1b5283935294b670126f76c8785a, Id0 bca7184a15e1ef63221c345b793c81f1
> 2015-02-16 18:53:14,187 DEBUG - OpenSim.Services.LLLoginService.LLLoginService [LLOGIN SERVICE]: Finding destination
> matching start location home for Ztarlite Ball
> 2015-02-16 18:53:14,281 DEBUG - OpenSim.Services.HypergridService.GatekeeperService [GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: User Ztarlite
> Ball is ok
> ******  Very strange that it changed the spelling to use the uppercase first letters when I logged in using all lowercase.
> ******  Something sure is not right.
> ******  Here is my attempt to login as myself.  I got the results I expected since I never registered with all lowercase
> characters in my name.
> 2015-02-16 18:55:19,073 INFO  - OpenSim.Services.LLLoginService.LLLoginService [LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login request for slow
> putzo at home using viewer Cool VL Viewer, channel Cool VL Viewer, IP, Mac
> 8aec1b5283935294b670126f76c8785a, Id0 bca7184a15e1ef63221c345b793c81f1
> 2015-02-16 18:55:19,077 INFO  - OpenSim.Services.LLLoginService.LLLoginService [LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login failed for slow
> putzo, reason: authentication failed
> Since LOAD OAR now works with either spelling for this user name, my original problem is resolved.  It does not solve
> the problem for some other user who tries to do this same operation and follows the same steps I did originally.
> Is there a way to delete a user account?  I read the entire console command list, actually printed it out, and do not
> see a command that would do that.
> -----Original Message----- From: Justin Clark-Casey
> Sent: Monday, February 16, 2015 1:27 PM
> To: opensim-users at opensimulator.org
> Subject: Re: [Opensim-users] Fw: Load OAR --default-user
> Load oar does not convert the given names to lowercase and I was able just now to create two user accounts of the same
> name but with different casing.
> When you do load oar, are you doing --default-user "Joe Bloggs"?  The quotes are critical so that the full name is
> passed as the --default-user argument and not just Joe.
> On 15/02/15 22:53, Thomas Ringate wrote:
>> I think I found a bug in how the OAR --default-user parameter is being used by opensim.  I tried using a name that had
>> the first letter of the first and last name upper case, however the LOAD OAR function says that user can not be found.
>> I then changed the name to have all lower case letters in the LOAD OAR command and it worked.
>> The problem is the user really is registered with the first letters of each name as upper case.  I tried to log in using
>> the name with all lower case, and opensim fails that login name.  The problem is the LOAD OAR command is apparently
>> changing all letters in the string to be lower case for the registered name but testing for the actual entered name in
>> the LOAD OAR command.  The correct operation I would think would be to preserve whatever case is in either field so no
>> matter what actual name was used it would only match that name and be case sensitive.  In any case, opensim has a
>> problem with case sensitive names because it is not consistent in how the different functions look for a registered
>> name.  I discovered trying to create  a user of an existing user with mixed case finds the existing user using a case
>> insensitive process and says the user already exists.  opensim should be consistent in user names in terms of case
>> sensitivity.  Most people do use upper case for the first letter of their proper names.
>> The name “New User”, and “new user” are not the same name, but LOAD OAR treats them as if they are, LOGIN does not and
>> treats them as if they are two unique names, CREATE USER treats them as the same name but let you register either one
>> retaining the case enter.  This is very inconsistent since other commands and functions use the user name and there
>> should be a single correct way for all parts of the program to work with the actual registered user name that exists in
>> the database.
>> Am I missing something in how the user name is suppose to work?
>> Tom
>> *From:* Thomas Ringate <mailto:tringate at gmail.com>
>> *Sent:* Saturday, February 14, 2015 8:51 PM
>> *To:* opensim-users at opensimulator.org <mailto:opensim-users at opensimulator.org>
>> *Subject:* Re: [Opensim-users] Load OAR --default-user
>> I have a question about using the --default-user switch on a older release of opensim.  I am currently stuck using
>> version 0.8.1 DEV 2014-08-15 which is what was running just before OSgrid went down.  When I do the load oar it says it
>> cannot find the user but “show user account” does show the user.  Have these commands been updated since that release?
>> The OAR was saved using the –publish option.
>> I tried to use the current release, but on my standalone avatars remain gray, nearly nothing will rezz on the regions,
>> and the operation is very erratic.  I guess trying to leap forward 6 months does not work very well with existing
>> regions.
>> Tom
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Justin Clark-Casey (justincc)
OSVW Consulting

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