[Opensim-users] Fw: Load OAR --default-user

Thomas Ringate tringate at gmail.com
Tue Feb 17 01:37:38 UTC 2015


Thank you for trying this.  Here are my actual log entries for when I:
- logged in on the 13th as Ztarlite Ball
- ran the LOAD OAR using the name as spelled when I created this account
- tried to create an account "ztarlite ball" using all lower case (that 
failed saying there already was an account by that name)
- then tried a LOAD OAR using the name as  all lower case (that worked even 
though I never created such an account name)

As I did these steps that user name did not exist in any form prior to me 
creating it.
When I tried to create the name with all lower case it would not let me do 
looking at the user account table in the database there was a user with the 
name Ztarlite Ball
Even now there is only one entry in the account table with the name Ztarlite 
Since I was successful at loading the OAR using the all lowercase name I 
tried loading it again using the correct spelling and now it does load the 
OAR using either spelling.

If I do a "show account Ztarlite Ball, or ztarlite ball it now displays 
either but with the identical UUID.  The database only has one entry in it 
for Ztarlite Ball, and it uses the upper case first letters.

Before I could not login using all lowercase.
My own user account Slow Putzo will not let me log in with slow putzo.

When using either form of the account Ztarlite Ball I get the exact same 
avatar but the upper case version

Here are the log entries for when I first tried to do this.

2015-02-13 21:54:21,328 INFO  - 
OpenSim.Services.LLLoginService.LLLoginService [LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login 
request for Ztarlite Ball at home using viewer Cool VL Viewer, 
channel Cool VL Viewer, IP, Mac 
30cdaf342d5baec8db66e3ee346e495c, Id0 b970a44a33ae62c4c5802f4370530945
2015-02-13 21:54:21,452 DEBUG - 
OpenSim.Services.LLLoginService.LLLoginService [LLOGIN SERVICE]: Finding 
destination matching start location home for Ztarlite Ball
2015-02-13 21:54:21,501 DEBUG - 
OpenSim.Services.LLLoginService.LLLoginService [LLOGIN SERVICE]: Found 
destination Sanctuary-Home, endpoint for Ztarlite Ball
2015-02-13 21:54:21,504 DEBUG - 
OpenSim.Services.HypergridService.UserAgentService [USER AGENT SERVICE]: 
Request to login user Ztarlite Ball (@ to grid 
2015-02-13 21:54:21,517 INFO  - 
OpenSim.Services.HypergridService.GatekeeperService [GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: 
Login request for Ztarlite Ball @ http://tringate.us.to:9180/ 
(727c10ae-be97-4001-9b70-04c59ea1417b) at 
3d4bdbc2-3bd5-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66 using viewer Cool VL Viewer, 
channel Cool VL Viewer, IP, Mac 
30cdaf342d5baec8db66e3ee346e495c, Id0 b970a44a33ae62c4c5802f4370530945, 
Teleport Flags: ViaHome, ViaLogin. From region Unknown
2015-02-13 21:54:21,519 DEBUG - 
OpenSim.Services.HypergridService.GatekeeperService [GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: 
Identity verified for Ztarlite Ball @ http://tringate.us.to:9180/
2015-02-13 21:54:21,522 DEBUG - 
OpenSim.Services.HypergridService.GatekeeperService [GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: 
User Ztarlite Ball is ok

******  NEXT DAY tried to do a LOAD OAR

2015-02-14 21:17:24,489 INFO  - OpenSim.Framework.Servers.ServerBase [SERVER 
BASE]: Running 'change region Emerald Isle'
2015-02-14 21:17:24,489 INFO  - OpenSim.Framework.Servers.ServerBase [SERVER 
BASE]: Running 'load oar --default-user "Ztarlite Ball" 
2015-02-14 21:17:24,517 ERROR - 
OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.World.Archiver.ArchiverModule [ARCHIVER MODULE] 
cannot find specified default user Ztarlite Ball

2015-02-14 21:27:23,887 INFO  - OpenSim.Framework.Servers.ServerBase [SERVER 
BASE]: Running 'load oar --default-user "Ztarlite Ball" 
2015-02-14 21:27:23,887 ERROR - 
OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.World.Archiver.ArchiverModule [ARCHIVER MODULE] 
cannot find specified default user Ztarlite Ball

******  Tried to create an account of ztarlite ball.

2015-02-14 22:03:56,309 ERROR - 
OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.UserAccountService [USER ACCOUNT 
SERVICE]: A user with the name ztarlite ball already exists!

******  Ran the LOAD OAR using the lowercase spelling and it worked.

2015-02-14 22:05:27,865 INFO  - OpenSim.Framework.Servers.ServerBase [SERVER 
BASE]: Running 'change region Emerald Isle'
2015-02-14 22:05:27,865 INFO  - OpenSim.Framework.Servers.ServerBase [SERVER 
BASE]: Running 'load oar --default-user "ztarlite ball" 

******  TODAYS testing

2015-02-16 18:05:41,144 ERROR - 
OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.UserAccountService [USER ACCOUNT 
SERVICE]: A user with the name ztarlite ball already exists!
2015-02-16 18:53:13,369 INFO  - 
OpenSim.Services.LLLoginService.LLLoginService [LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login 
request for ztarlite ball at home using viewer Cool VL Viewer, 
channel Cool VL Viewer, IP, Mac 
8aec1b5283935294b670126f76c8785a, Id0 bca7184a15e1ef63221c345b793c81f1
2015-02-16 18:53:14,187 DEBUG - 
OpenSim.Services.LLLoginService.LLLoginService [LLOGIN SERVICE]: Finding 
destination matching start location home for Ztarlite Ball
2015-02-16 18:53:14,281 DEBUG - 
OpenSim.Services.HypergridService.GatekeeperService [GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: 
User Ztarlite Ball is ok

******  Very strange that it changed the spelling to use the uppercase first 
letters when I logged in using all lowercase.
******  Something sure is not right.
******  Here is my attempt to login as myself.  I got the results I expected 
since I never registered with all lowercase characters in my name.

2015-02-16 18:55:19,073 INFO  - 
OpenSim.Services.LLLoginService.LLLoginService [LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login 
request for slow putzo at home using viewer Cool VL Viewer, 
channel Cool VL Viewer, IP, Mac 
8aec1b5283935294b670126f76c8785a, Id0 bca7184a15e1ef63221c345b793c81f1
2015-02-16 18:55:19,077 INFO  - 
OpenSim.Services.LLLoginService.LLLoginService [LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login 
failed for slow putzo, reason: authentication failed

Since LOAD OAR now works with either spelling for this user name, my 
original problem is resolved.  It does not solve the problem for some other 
user who tries to do this same operation and follows the same steps I did 

Is there a way to delete a user account?  I read the entire console command 
list, actually printed it out, and do not see a command that would do that.

-----Original Message----- 
From: Justin Clark-Casey
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2015 1:27 PM
To: opensim-users at opensimulator.org
Subject: Re: [Opensim-users] Fw: Load OAR --default-user

Load oar does not convert the given names to lowercase and I was able just 
now to create two user accounts of the same
name but with different casing.

When you do load oar, are you doing --default-user "Joe Bloggs"?  The quotes 
are critical so that the full name is
passed as the --default-user argument and not just Joe.

On 15/02/15 22:53, Thomas Ringate wrote:
> I think I found a bug in how the OAR --default-user parameter is being 
> used by opensim.  I tried using a name that had
> the first letter of the first and last name upper case, however the LOAD 
> OAR function says that user can not be found.
> I then changed the name to have all lower case letters in the LOAD OAR 
> command and it worked.
> The problem is the user really is registered with the first letters of 
> each name as upper case.  I tried to log in using
> the name with all lower case, and opensim fails that login name.  The 
> problem is the LOAD OAR command is apparently
> changing all letters in the string to be lower case for the registered 
> name but testing for the actual entered name in
> the LOAD OAR command.  The correct operation I would think would be to 
> preserve whatever case is in either field so no
> matter what actual name was used it would only match that name and be case 
> sensitive.  In any case, opensim has a
> problem with case sensitive names because it is not consistent in how the 
> different functions look for a registered
> name.  I discovered trying to create  a user of an existing user with 
> mixed case finds the existing user using a case
> insensitive process and says the user already exists.  opensim should be 
> consistent in user names in terms of case
> sensitivity.  Most people do use upper case for the first letter of their 
> proper names.
> The name “New User”, and “new user” are not the same name, but LOAD OAR 
> treats them as if they are, LOGIN does not and
> treats them as if they are two unique names, CREATE USER treats them as 
> the same name but let you register either one
> retaining the case enter.  This is very inconsistent since other commands 
> and functions use the user name and there
> should be a single correct way for all parts of the program to work with 
> the actual registered user name that exists in
> the database.
> Am I missing something in how the user name is suppose to work?
> Tom
> *From:* Thomas Ringate <mailto:tringate at gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Saturday, February 14, 2015 8:51 PM
> *To:* opensim-users at opensimulator.org 
> <mailto:opensim-users at opensimulator.org>
> *Subject:* Re: [Opensim-users] Load OAR --default-user
> I have a question about using the --default-user switch on a older release 
> of opensim.  I am currently stuck using
> version 0.8.1 DEV 2014-08-15 which is what was running just before OSgrid 
> went down.  When I do the load oar it says it
> cannot find the user but “show user account” does show the user.  Have 
> these commands been updated since that release?
> The OAR was saved using the –publish option.
> I tried to use the current release, but on my standalone avatars remain 
> gray, nearly nothing will rezz on the regions,
> and the operation is very erratic.  I guess trying to leap forward 6 
> months does not work very well with existing regions.
> Tom
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Justin Clark-Casey (justincc)
OSVW Consulting
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