[Opensim-users] Question about MySQL users and multiple OS databases

Luisillo Contepomi luisillo at contepomi.net
Sun Sep 14 08:12:56 UTC 2014

El 14/09/2014 a las #4, Chris escribió:
> theoretical security concerns
Hello Chris,

Someone said root access?


Is not theoretical issue is real big security problem.

I am assuming you have a connected server to Internet and is not a home 
The short answer is "No". Never use root password for a service 
accessible by anyone from outside. Never.

A user for all databases?:
Yes, Why not?

Add some additional security to your database server.
Strong Username/password credentials
Setup your MySQL server in other port than 3306
Setup your MySQL server for allow connections from some configured hosts.
Setup your Firewall tables database server  port for accept only from 
configured IPs

/"May the Force be with you"

Best regards,

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