[Opensim-users] question about support for PRIM_SPECULAR, PRIM_NORMAL and PRIM_ALPHA_MODE

simon burke simon at duanedibley.com
Sat Jun 28 20:26:06 UTC 2014

On 06/27/2014 06:38 PM, M.E. Verhagen wrote:
> I think these constants refer to being able to add so called 
>  (shininess) specular and normal (bumpiness) textures to a mesh or prim.
> It is very useful to add some detail and keep the models with low 
> vertical count.
> The extra texture information is saved with the prim info in the 
> opensim database.
yes i agree with all of the above

> I have not got a clue about those constants. But just use the numbers 
> for instance 38 for PRIM_APHA_MODE
its reasonably documented here


and already implemented correctly as far as i can see in my version of 

all tha'ts missing is the ability to script set them in addition to the 
current manual setting mod

> I doubt if opensim needs the support to set those parameters on a prim 
> side with a script, it will probably work already in opensim.

the problem I have is the default for prims created prior to these new 
settings is "blend" (1). The
consequence of that is that many mesh objects that used to render ok 
before, now render with
random "holes"  due to the alpha textures used originally and the new 
ALPHA_MODE default of 1.
Switching ALPHA_MODE to none (0) solves  the problem but its a PITA to 
do manually for every texture.

the SL spec defines the default value as "1", so I don't think its 
correct to change the default value

This value is also used as the default to clear the materials settings 
from a prim face./

Scripting a solution where pre-existing meshes are broken is much easier

i can provide an image as an example if the above is not clear


> But then I haven't got a clue what ll is going to finalize ...
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