[Opensim-users] Quick scripting question for OS commands.

InuYasha Meiji inuyasha.meiji at gmail.com
Wed Feb 27 22:56:44 UTC 2013

Yes, this is what I was looking for.  I mistakenly a bit on vocabulary 
there.  I haven't broken my regions into parcels, right now they all 
belong to me.  Now by using the commands associated with 
osParcelSetDetails()/llParcelGetDetails(). and add and remove the 
windlight codes to the parcel description to get the weather environment 
to change.

Thank you very much.

On 2/27/2013 3:42 PM, Justin Clark-Casey wrote:
> Okay, you're talking about the land (parcel) description, not a whole 
> region description.  You could indeed set and get this using the 
> osParcelSetDetails()/llParcelGetDetails().  However, as Garmin 
> suggested, you're probably better off using the description field of 
> an object hidden somewhere on the sim.
> At some point in the future we may have a script facility for storing 
> somewhat larger chunks of data in objects than the 255 character limit 
> of Description fields.  However, this option currently requires more 
> design thought, imho.
> On 27/02/13 00:58, InuYasha Meiji wrote:
>> I meant when you use a viewer, you have the option of looking at 
>> "About Land".  Under that window you can change the
>> name of the sim, it shows the UUID under that and then there is a 
>> small box for a description. In the same way you can
>> edit an item or object.  The description can be chnaged in both SL 
>> and Opensim using a script.  I just wanted to know if
>> anyone knew enough about some new OS commands that let you do the same.
>> InuYasha.
>> On 2/26/2013 7:34 PM, Justin Clark-Casey wrote:
>>> I'm not sure what you're asking here. Regions don't have 
>>> descriptions.  If you're asking about changing the region
>>> name on the fly then that isn't possible (and I don't think that's 
>>> likely to change very soon).
>>> I'm not sure why windlight changes aren't working for you. You might 
>>> want to file a Mantis.
>>> On 23/02/13 11:02, InuYasha Meiji wrote:
>>>> I was thinking, since I am having issues getting the windshare 
>>>> scripts to work, although they compile.  I am still
>>>> trying to use windlight/windshare for a better weather system. I 
>>>> was wondering if there is a way in a script to change
>>>> or add to a region description, like you can use scripting to 
>>>> change and read and write to an object description.
>>>> Because everything works the way I would expect when using things 
>>>> like /*Sky:"Blizzard"Water:"[TOR] Subtleties"*/.
>>>> Maybe when a storm is in the air I could chnage my normal region 
>>>> descripting to add "/*Sky:"Blizzard"Water:"[TOR]
>>>> Subtleties"*/" to the end, then remove it when the storm is over?
>>>> It was only a thought since this can be does with objects. Any 
>>>> ideas? Or has the Issue in Mantis been fixed?  I am not
>>>> even sure if it has anything to do with my problem with scripting 
>>>> windshare. The example scripts compile, and they say
>>>> succes when complete.  I got the setting variable I wanted, changed 
>>>> it, then check to see what the get windlight script
>>>> said, and the change saved.  I even set my water to black, because 
>>>> I knew I would notice that change greatly.  The
>>>> variable changed, I checked and the returned value said it did. 
>>>> Using Firestorm, and Kokua to test, still no visual
>>>> change to me.
>>>> Still adding "/*Sky:"Blizzard"Water:"[TOR] Subtleties"*/" chnages 
>>>> my view instantly walking into and out of a region. I
>>>> am still using 7.4, is it me, or a bug?  IF I could get this to 
>>>> work, I find this a muc beter way then partical clouds
>>>> to create storm and rain cloouds if this would only work.
>>>> InuYasha

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