[Opensim-users] linking furniture to a house build

Justin Clark-Casey jjustincc at googlemail.com
Mon Feb 25 23:16:40 UTC 2013

If rezzing from inventory, you could use coalesced objects (by selecting multiple prim sets at once and taking them into 

However, with the current implementation of coalesced objects, all the object data is put into one big asset.  I believe 
this limits the number of objects one can take in this way (I don't know what the limit is but I've heard of people 
hitting it).

A popular alternative, I believe, is to have a script which rezzes the objects for the user.

I'm not sure why standing from sitting on a sofa is putting you outside the house (assuming it's not a very very small 
house).  Is everything one linkset?

On 25/02/13 21:05, Dr Ramesh Ramloll wrote:
> Hello,
> wanted to see if I could get some ideas about this. I am trying to rezz a whole house including furnitures e.g. chairs
> in one go. The reason being that folks who will be rezzing the house and rotating and positioning them don't have the
> time to rezz a house first, and then add furniture etc... as customary. My job is to make that happen for users who
> stated this as a requirement. It's easy enough through linking (linking furniture to the house) but I have hit a major
> hurdle. When someone sits on a sofa say, and stands ... why is it that the person is projected outside the whole house
> ... is there a way to change this behavior to just simply standing up?
> Thanks
> R
> --
> 'Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin.'
> *Rameshsharma Ramloll* PhD, CEO CTO DeepSemaphore LLC, Affiliate /Research Associate Professor/, Idaho State University,
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Justin Clark-Casey (justincc)
OSVW Consulting

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