[Opensim-users] Disappearing folders or items when declining inventory offer?

Dr Ramesh Ramloll r.ramloll at gmail.com
Mon Apr 29 23:16:41 UTC 2013

Thanks so much Justin, that was fast.

On Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 5:22 PM, Justin Clark-Casey <
jjustincc at googlemail.com> wrote:

> I was able to reproduce this bug and fix it in git master 12054aa.
> It looks like the bug may have been around for a very long time (perhaps
> even since June 2010) though that would be quite surprising.
> It would probably have affected all viewers.
> On 28/04/13 15:56, Dr Ramesh Ramloll wrote:
>> Thanks for pointing this critical bug out. It is surely a show stopper if
>> one is using a lot of object dispensers for
>> users ... on a sim. Looks like my obsession to keep all inventory as
>> rezzed objects and saved as an oar file is going to
>> continue for a while (might be irrational but the inventory system does
>> not look safe yet).
>> On Sun, Apr 28, 2013 at 12:34 AM, Chris <mewtwo0641 at gmail.com <mailto:
>> mewtwo0641 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>     Hmm... That is a bit strange. On the viewers I thought to be OK I was
>> able to utilize the test object after the test
>>     (By attempting to rez the object and looking to see if it would
>> appear or not and watching the console for errors).
>>     However, I based all my tests transferring an item from Phoenix
>> viewer (which is currently my viewer of choice) to
>>     the viewers in my test results since it didn't seem to make a
>> difference which viewer the item came from, just the
>>     viewers they were going to. I managed to lose a script I spent about
>> 8 hours working on in the process due to the
>>     Lost and Found folder issue explained toward the end of my previous
>> email (D'oh!)... but I was able to recover it by
>>     grepping a dump of my database and then dumping the most recent asset.
>>     I did a quick test as I was writing this with a transfer from
>> Firestorm to Firestorm on seperate computers and with
>>     viewers on the same computer (Computer OS is running on) to be sure
>> but I was not able to reproduce the issue in
>>     this way. I also tried with both HTTP Inventory on and off as well
>> but it didn't seem to make a difference. The Lost
>>     and Found issue also does not show up on the viewers listed as OK in
>> my previous tests with the exception of Phoenix
>>     viewer, it's OK when using silent discard, but the issue shows up
>> when using regular discard.
>>     As an addendum to my previous test, I also noticed that if other
>> avatars had a copy of the object you gave to
>>     another avatar, and the issue is triggered, then that particular
>> object will missing from the other avatars
>>     inventories as well. Just to be clear, when I say missing, I mean
>> that it seems to be missing from the database, but
>>     not visually from the inventory (at least not until a relog); can't
>> do anything with the object in the way of using
>>     it such as rezzing, wearing, transferring, etc.
>>     On 4/27/2013 6:32 PM, InuYasha Meiji wrote:
>>         So you understand and know, I only used two viewers with two
>> different accounts on the same machine, on the same
>>         machine running the grid.  Both of these logged in using the
>> latest Firestorm for Opensim.  Having the same
>>         results as well and finding that although you see that Firestorm
>> in your list appears to be ok...
>>         Item Transfer -> Singularity (1.8.0) = Missing inventory item
>>         Item Transfer -> Firestorm (4.4.0) = OK
>>         Item Transfer -> Hippo OpenSim (0.6.3) = Missing inventory item
>>         Item Transfer -> Imprudence (1.3.0) = Missing inventory item
>>         Item Transfer -> Phoenix ( = Missing inventory item
>> when using normal Discard, OK when using
>>         (Discard) (Silent discard)
>>         Item Transfer -> Radegast (2.12.1354) = Missing inventory item
>>         Item Transfer -> Kokua ( = OK
>>         Item Transfer -> CoolVL ( = Missing inventory item
>>         It really isn;t.  It is only in your inventory in name, but not
>> useable, so I would not give it an ok.  Thanks
>>         for gonig through all the trouble of testing so many viewers to
>> prove it isn't a
>>         Viewer issue.
>>         InuYasha
>>         On 4/27/2013 2:29 PM, Chris wrote:
>>             Last night I tested with 2 avatars on the same machine
>> OpenSim is running on, one avatar on one machine and
>>             one avatar on a different machine, and both avatars on a
>> machine other than the one OpenSim is running on.
>>             I repeated my tests today a bit more in depth and it would
>> seem that the issue does not depend so much on
>>             the viewer the person transferring the item is using but more
>> depends on what viewer the person on the
>>             receiving end of the inventory transfer is running.
>>             Steps to reproduce:
>>             1. Offer an item transfer to another avatar that you aren't
>> afraid to lose (Creating a new prim and taking
>>             it to inventory then offering that is sufficient)
>>             2. Decline the transfer on the other avatar and it should go
>> to that avatar's trash folder.
>>             3. Empty that avatar's trash folder.
>>             4. Go back to the first avatar and try to rez, wear, or
>> otherwise utilize the item that was to be
>>             transferred (In my case I attempted to rez the object).
>>                  a. Should notice that it won't have any effect
>>                  b. Look in the console and there should be errors to the
>> effect of "item not found"
>>                  My error when attempting to rez the object:
>>                  16:11:48 - [INVENTORY ACCESS MODULE]: Could not find
>> item 6d3689ee-5c06-478d-8c10-__**10870cc6e788 for
>>             Test User in RezObject()
>>             5. Relog the avatar you attempted item transfer from. The
>> item will be missing from their inventory upon relog.
>>             Test results:
>>             (Format: Item Transfer -> Viewer name of the person receiving
>> item.)
>>             Item Transfer -> Singularity (1.8.0) = Missing inventory item
>>             Item Transfer -> Firestorm (4.4.0) = OK
>>             Item Transfer -> Hippo OpenSim (0.6.3) = Missing inventory
>> item
>>             Item Transfer -> Imprudence (1.3.0) = Missing inventory item
>>             Item Transfer -> Phoenix ( = Missing inventory
>> item when using normal Discard, OK when using
>>             (Discard) (Silent discard)
>>             Item Transfer -> Radegast (2.12.1354) = Missing inventory item
>>             Item Transfer -> Kokua ( = OK
>>             Item Transfer -> CoolVL ( = Missing inventory item
>>             It seems like if the issue triggers, there will be two copies
>> of the declined object that will show up in
>>             the receiver's trash folder. The tests also apply to offering
>> entire folders of items. It also looks like on
>>             declining the transfer, If there are any other items directly
>> under neath it in the person transferring the
>>             item, those items will some how wind up in the other person's
>> lost and found folder. If the person deletes
>>             those items from lost and found it will remove those items
>> also from the other persons inventory.
>>             As far as the viewer I use; I mainly swap between Phoenix,
>> Imprudence, and Singularity. As for other users
>>             on my install it could be any of the ones listed in the tests
>> (And possibly others, but these are the main
>>             ones I was able to come up with).
>>             On 4/27/2013 10:47 AM, drWhiet wrote:
>>                 Chris, are you testing this with yourself e.g. With 2
>> Viewers running on the Same machine ? Or are you
>>                 testing this behaviour with your avatar and a different
>> users Avatar ? And by the way which Viewer do
>>                 you (and the other user) use ??
>>                 Best regards,
>>                 Am 27.04.2013 um 03:37 schrieb Chris<mewtwo0641 at gmail.com<mailto:
>> mewtwo0641 at gmail.com>>**:
>>             --
>>             OpenSim: 10 Region Standalone on 0.7.6 Dev
>>             Physics: Open Dynamics Engine
>>             OS: Windows 7 (x64)
>>             CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 840 3.2 GHz
>>             Memory: 11 GB DDR3
>>             Database: MySQL 5.1.63 (x64)
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>>     OpenSim: 10 Region Standalone on 0.7.6 Dev
>>     Physics: Open Dynamics Engine
>>     OS: Windows 7 (x64)
>>     CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 840 3.2 GHz
>>     Memory: 11 GB DDR3
>>     Database: MySQL 5.1.63 (x64)
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>> --
>> 'Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin.'
>> *Rameshsharma Ramloll* PhD, CEO CTO DeepSemaphore LLC, Affiliate
>> /Research Associate Professor/, Idaho State University,
>> Pocatello, ID 83209 Tel: 208-240-0040
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> --
> Justin Clark-Casey (justincc)
> OSVW Consulting
> http://justincc.org
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'Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin.'
*Rameshsharma Ramloll* PhD, CEO CTO DeepSemaphore LLC, Affiliate *Research
Associate Professor*, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID 83209 Tel:
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