[Opensim-users] 4096 Jump Issue and new OpenSim branches of TPVs

Dahlia Trimble dahliatrimble at gmail.com
Mon Apr 29 21:54:29 UTC 2013

I wasn't looking for people to blame, but now that you mention it.....
*evil grin*

I am a little concerned that a bit of a catch-22 situation has come about
with the current solution.  Viewer developers are unable to test in
existing grids due to the default setting, and nobody will want to change
the setting as it might disrupt the user experience. Any viewer testers
will need to overcome the hurdle of learning that the setting exists and
setting up a test grid. In the mean time users of alternative viewers are
left out in the cold.

 What would you consider "significant"? Personally I'd consider Radegast
usage significant and it is not based on LL code. While it's based on
libomv and I have had success teleporting beyond 4096 with other libomv
based clients, I've not been able to test it in Radegast to date due to the
existing default.

Perhaps a protocol extension might be an alternative? Some way that a
viewer could signal the simulator that it's capable of distant teleports
and the sim could bypass the restriction for such viewers?

On Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 2:36 PM, Justin Clark-Casey <
jjustincc at googlemail.com> wrote:

> So that Dahlia knows who to blame, I was the one who created this check.
>  I was very tired of accidentally teleporting to very remote regions and
> screwing up my session and I don't think it's a good user experience.
> As other people have said, this restriction is configurable.  One could
> also have a regular expression whitelist to let selected viewers to attempt
> the teleport.
> I don't favour changing the default until there are a significant
> proportion of viewers in use that could handle 4096+ teleports.  As we've
> seen, we're not even sure what the problem is in the LL viewer codebase and
> TPVs.
> On 29/04/13 09:38, Ai Austin wrote:
>> Thanks Dahlia. The explicit limit was added by Diva to try to make lie
>> easier for users/avatars getting stuck in limbo, but can be turned on and
>> off with an OpenSim.ini parameter, default being that it is on. So it can
>> clearly be removed. Now there is a distinct branch for some viewers like
>> Firestorm, and that there are already improvements in Firestorm 4.4.0(OS)
>> to improve the OpenSim experience, some critical issues like zthe rally
>> panful and awkward to explain to new users 4096 jump issues just might now
>> be on te cards to be fixed.
>> I am sure if this were technically possible in commonly used LL viewers
>> with an Openim specific branch then the OS server side default setting for
>> the 4096 jump restriction could simply be set as OFF by default rather than
>> ON by default?
>> On 28 Apr 2013, at 20:59, Dahlia wrote:
>>> There was a time when libomv based viewers could teleport beyond 4096 and
>>> still function correctly, however  since then someone added some code to
>>> OpenSimulator to prevent *any* viewer from teleporting beyond 4096. While
>>> this effectively prevented the viewing failures experienced with LL-based
>>> viewers, it also prevented anyone from being able to fix the problem from
>>> the viewer side. Given that libomv-based clients did not have the problem
>>> suggests that it's likely entirely withing the LL codebase.
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> Justin Clark-Casey (justincc)
> OSVW Consulting
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