[Opensim-users] 4096 Jump Issue and new OpenSim branches of TPVs

R.Gunther rigun at rigutech.nl
Mon Apr 29 21:54:02 UTC 2013

Dahlia, the 4096 teleport block is good. dont want to mis it. i hate 
relogging because a bad teleport.
And i dont ecpect that limit is going to disapear soon. so its really a 
must have piece of code.

On 2013-04-29 23:36, Justin Clark-Casey wrote:
> So that Dahlia knows who to blame, I was the one who created this 
> check.  I was very tired of accidentally teleporting to very remote 
> regions and screwing up my session and I don't think it's a good user 
> experience.
> As other people have said, this restriction is configurable.  One 
> could also have a regular expression whitelist to let selected viewers 
> to attempt the teleport.
> I don't favour changing the default until there are a significant 
> proportion of viewers in use that could handle 4096+ teleports. As 
> we've seen, we're not even sure what the problem is in the LL viewer 
> codebase and TPVs.
> On 29/04/13 09:38, Ai Austin wrote:
>> Thanks Dahlia. The explicit limit was added by Diva to try to make 
>> lie easier for users/avatars getting stuck in limbo, but can be 
>> turned on and off with an OpenSim.ini parameter, default being that 
>> it is on. So it can clearly be removed. Now there is a distinct 
>> branch for some viewers like Firestorm, and that there are already 
>> improvements in Firestorm 4.4.0(OS) to improve the OpenSim 
>> experience, some critical issues like zthe rally panful and awkward 
>> to explain to new users 4096 jump issues just might now be on te 
>> cards to be fixed.
>> I am sure if this were technically possible in commonly used LL 
>> viewers with an Openim specific branch then the OS server side 
>> default setting for the 4096 jump restriction could simply be set as 
>> OFF by default rather than ON by default?
>> On 28 Apr 2013, at 20:59, Dahlia wrote:
>>> There was a time when libomv based viewers could teleport beyond 
>>> 4096 and
>>> still function correctly, however  since then someone added some 
>>> code to
>>> OpenSimulator to prevent *any* viewer from teleporting beyond 4096. 
>>> While
>>> this effectively prevented the viewing failures experienced with 
>>> LL-based
>>> viewers, it also prevented anyone from being able to fix the problem 
>>> from
>>> the viewer side. Given that libomv-based clients did not have the 
>>> problem
>>> suggests that it's likely entirely withing the LL codebase.
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