[Opensim-users] Disappearing folders or items when declining inventory offer?

drWhiet drwhiet at spacefriends.de
Sat Apr 27 15:47:44 UTC 2013

Chris, are you testing this with yourself e.g. With 2 Viewers running on the Same machine ? Or are you testing this behaviour with your avatar and a different users Avatar ? And by the way which Viewer do you (and the other user) use ??

Best regards,

Am 27.04.2013 um 03:37 schrieb Chris <mewtwo0641 at gmail.com>:

> Sorry, I didn't mean to cause panic ^^;; I saw this happen once before on an older version of OS but I chalked it up as a random rare glitch since I have unable to reproduce it up until today (on accident). This was a little while back however. I am unsure of how long it has been an issue. I would advise your friend(s) who are on your grid to refrain from declining inventory and instead accept it, then delete if it is unwanted for now.
> On 4/26/2013 6:08 PM, InuYasha Meiji wrote:
>> OK, slightly panicked...  I haven't notied this yet, but I am still using 7.4 and was about to upgrade. When did this start.  I have put a lot of effort into recent builds that I don't want to loose because I gave a copy to a friend.  I am hoping this don't go as far back as Opensim 7.4. I will give this a test later tonight and report back soon.
>> InuYasha.
>> On 4/26/2013 5:27 PM, Chris wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I've come across a potential major issue with inventory offers. If I offer an item or a folder to another avatar and that avatar declines it and then later purges it from their trash folder it has the effect of the original item being removed from the first avatars inventory (not immediately visual until a relog). If the first avatar tries to use the affected object it results in item not found errors in the console.
>>> Steps to reproduce:
>>> 1. Offer an item transfer to another avatar that you aren't afraid to lose (Creating a new prim and taking it to inventory then offering that is sufficient)
>>> 2. Decline the transfer on the other avatar and it should go to that avatar's trash folder (I noticed multiple copies of said object being created in the trash folder)
>>> 3. Empty that avatar's trash folder.
>>> 4. Go back to the first avatar and try to rez, wear, or otherwise utilize the item that was to be transferred (In my case I attempted to rez the object).
>>>    a. Should notice that it won't have any effect
>>>    b. Look in the console and there should be errors to the effect of "item not found"
>>>    My error when attempting to rez the object:
>>>    16:11:48 - [INVENTORY ACCESS MODULE]: Could not find item 6d3689ee-5c06-478d-8c10-10870cc6e788 for Test User in RezObject()
>>> 5. Relog the avatar you attempted item transfer from. The item will be missing from their inventory upon relog.
>>> This also has the same effect if attempting entire folder transfers, but the entire folder including its contents will be missing upon relog.
>>> Has anyone else noticed this?
>>> Thank you!
> -- 
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