[Opensim-users] Disappearing folders or items when declining inventory offer?

Chris mewtwo0641 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 27 01:37:48 UTC 2013

Sorry, I didn't mean to cause panic ^^;; I saw this happen once before 
on an older version of OS but I chalked it up as a random rare glitch 
since I have unable to reproduce it up until today (on accident). This 
was a little while back however. I am unsure of how long it has been an 
issue. I would advise your friend(s) who are on your grid to refrain 
from declining inventory and instead accept it, then delete if it is 
unwanted for now.

On 4/26/2013 6:08 PM, InuYasha Meiji wrote:
> OK, slightly panicked...  I haven't notied this yet, but I am still 
> using 7.4 and was about to upgrade. When did this start.  I have put a 
> lot of effort into recent builds that I don't want to loose because I 
> gave a copy to a friend.  I am hoping this don't go as far back as 
> Opensim 7.4. I will give this a test later tonight and report back soon.
> InuYasha.
> On 4/26/2013 5:27 PM, Chris wrote:
>> Hello all,
>>  I've come across a potential major issue with inventory offers. If I 
>> offer an item or a folder to another avatar and that avatar declines 
>> it and then later purges it from their trash folder it has the effect 
>> of the original item being removed from the first avatars inventory 
>> (not immediately visual until a relog). If the first avatar tries to 
>> use the affected object it results in item not found errors in the 
>> console.
>> Steps to reproduce:
>> 1. Offer an item transfer to another avatar that you aren't afraid to 
>> lose (Creating a new prim and taking it to inventory then offering 
>> that is sufficient)
>> 2. Decline the transfer on the other avatar and it should go to that 
>> avatar's trash folder (I noticed multiple copies of said object being 
>> created in the trash folder)
>> 3. Empty that avatar's trash folder.
>> 4. Go back to the first avatar and try to rez, wear, or otherwise 
>> utilize the item that was to be transferred (In my case I attempted 
>> to rez the object).
>>     a. Should notice that it won't have any effect
>>     b. Look in the console and there should be errors to the effect 
>> of "item not found"
>>     My error when attempting to rez the object:
>>     16:11:48 - [INVENTORY ACCESS MODULE]: Could not find item 
>> 6d3689ee-5c06-478d-8c10-10870cc6e788 for Test User in RezObject()
>> 5. Relog the avatar you attempted item transfer from. The item will 
>> be missing from their inventory upon relog.
>> This also has the same effect if attempting entire folder transfers, 
>> but the entire folder including its contents will be missing upon relog.
>> Has anyone else noticed this?
>> Thank you!

OpenSim: 10 Region Standalone on 0.7.6 Dev
Physics: Open Dynamics Engine
OS: Windows 7 (x64)
CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 840 3.2 GHz
Memory: 11 GB DDR3
Database: MySQL 5.1.63 (x64)

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