[Opensim-users] virtual hose line
InuYasha Meiji
inuyasha.meiji at gmail.com
Mon Apr 22 13:54:01 UTC 2013
Sorry Ramesh, but flexy prims can and have always only been connecte at
one end. I wish they could be connected at two ends. It owuld be a
great way to simulate kite flying and so much more. I would love for
someone in Opensim to figure that one out. Go Team. ;) Show up LL
once again, you can do it. lol.
Then we can fly a kite, have garden hoses, dogs on a leash, or other
things on a leash, umm. Anyways, you're rght particle trails especially
how particles seem to fade in opensim is a real pain.. BEtween
Particles in SL and opensim they really need tweaking a bit to work
nearly the same., so I try to stay away from them if I can.
On 4/22/2013 9:13 AM, Dr Ramesh Ramloll wrote:
> Hello,
> I am wondering if I get some ideas for implementing a virtual hose
> line. See, I tried using a flexi prim to represent a hose linked to
> two 'normal' prims at both ends. I then attached one of the ends to
> avatar hand. when avatar walks around, the one of the ends of the
> flexi prim is still attached to the part the hand is holding. At the
> other end of the flexi prim however, it breaks off from the other
> point which I hoped would be the anchor. Using particles does not seem
> a a good idea. Any thoughts?
> Ramesh
> --
> 'Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin.'
> *Rameshsharma Ramloll* PhD, CEO CTO DeepSemaphore LLC, Affiliate
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