[Opensim-users] creating completely different avatar then use it on opensim‏

InuYasha Meiji inuyasha.meiji at gmail.com
Thu Sep 27 17:15:10 UTC 2012

The cart in't really the hardest part, as I would like a realistic 
looking animal avatar to make an npc out of to pull the cart.  I should 
end here, as I am not sure if this is not what the originator meant by 
making a mesh avatar and importing it.  I might have to make my own 
subject line.  It is basically the same.  A mesh OX but with a four 
legged AV skeleton.  Like what was originally asked


On 9/27/2012 11:05 AM, Slavin, Simon wrote:
> On 27 Sep 2012, at 3:53pm, InuYasha Meiji wrote:
>> I would love to see someone come out with a four legged beast Skeleton for a animal like an OX.  I would love to have animals around that I could combine with the NPC possibilities of opensim to pull an OX cart around and so on.
> I have seen carts and balloons which you can 'pick up', and once attached they will follow you around.  The follow-around script tracks the location of the person who last picked them up, and makes appropriate movements when they move.  The animation wasn't very convincing, but it got the idea across.
> Simon.
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