[Opensim-users] Bypassing the 10 m rezzing limit for llRezObject

Edmund Edgar ed at avatarclassroom.com
Sat Sep 15 01:04:28 UTC 2012

On 15 September 2012 08:16, Dr Ramesh Ramloll <r.ramloll at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the reply Daniel, I am trying to rez region wide ... objects. how
> would this relay object work?

I made a rezzer for sloodle once like this although we ended up not
using it. The objects were rezzed by a little UFO thingy (I called it
the "mothership") that would move to where you wanted to rez the
object and rez it there, then move back. There are a few ways to do
a) The user controls the mothership directly - it flies to where it
should rez things, then flies back.
b) The user interacts with a stationary controller object which sends
instructions to the mothership.
c) Every time you want to rez something, the stationary controller
object rezzes a mothership and tells it where to go and what to rez,
and the mothership flies off, rezzes that object and derezzes itself
when it's done.

The advantage of this approach is that you don't have to put a script
in the object you want to rez. But since there's no
llDeRezOtherObject(), we ended up needing to put a script in the
objects in any case for when we wanted to get rid of them, so it ended
up being easier just to rez them where we were and tell them to move
to where we wanted them.

BTW, one thing to watch out for if you end up telling objects where to
move to - at least in SL, probably OpenSim too - is that right after
you rez an object (ie when the object_rez event fires), it doesn't
always seem to be in a position to listen for and handle messages. I
think the issue is that it takes a bit of time after an object rezzes
for it to start running its scripts and start listening for messages.
So if you need this to work reliably, you probably need some logic to
make the rezzer resend the message if the rezzed object hasn't got it
yet. (It may be enough just make your rezzer llSleep() for a bit after
object_rez fires and hope for the best...)

Edmund Edgar
Avatar Classroom
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ed at avatarclassroom.com
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