[Opensim-users] Slow to react touch to start scripts

InuYasha Meiji inuyasha.meiji at gmail.com
Fri Nov 16 07:53:33 UTC 2012

That isn't what I did.  I opened the 7.4 files next to another open 
document holding the old 7.3.1 ini files to compare them and anything I 
had in 7.3.1 was typed in by hand into the appropriate 7.4 entries.  I 
always do that.  In fact because of my vision problems it took me tweo 
whole days to get it running because I missed something the first time.

Thanks for the reply, however I will look for a typo in that area.

On 11/16/2012 12:39 AM, Justin Clark-Casey wrote:
> I suspect this is probably unrelated.  InuYusha, you may want to check 
> your ScriptDelayFactor in the [XEngine] config section and MinThreads, 
> MaxThreads, etc. settings.  There may be a particular problem if you 
> have updated by copying over config files - hence we recommend 
> manually updating from fresh 0.7.4 files even though that can be a pain.
> Beyond that, I don't have any immediate idea why event firing would 
> suddenly be delayed if the content of the regions and the hardware is 
> exactly the same.  I will probably try and add a script event debug 
> switch so we can see when the event is actually being fired.  However, 
> that would require updating to bleeding edge to use and would likely 
> only be the first diagnostic step. You can see some XEngine 
> information per region with the command "xengine status", though I'm 
> not sure how much that would tell us.  Still, it would be worth seeing.
> I'm also going to make the same point that InuYasha is probably sick 
> of - 56 regions on a standalone (I'm a bit confused by "standalone 
> grid") is a very unusual configuration - most people don't run more 
> than a couple on a simulator (and many people run 1, preferring to 
> start separate OpenSim.exe instances instead!. So the basic things 
> would be to try is seeing if reducing the number of regions (hence 
> reducing other script load, etc.) makes a difference.
> On 15/11/12 12:40, Fleep Tuque wrote:
>> Hi InuYasha,
>> There was a long thread on the listserv recently about other reports 
>> of similar behavior in 0.7.4, which I believe is
>> being investigated.  If you didn't see that thread, it might have 
>> more information that would be helpful for you.
>> http://opensim-users.2152040.n2.nabble.com/A-bit-confused-td7578881.html
>> I continue to use 0.7.4 on both grids with no symptoms like this, as 
>> far as I can tell.  I even did some fairly extended
>> building over the weekend and touch events, content loading, etc all 
>> seemed pretty snappy.  Both grids are running on
>> Windows (XP and Server 2008), not sure if that makes any difference.
>> - Chris/Fleep
>> Chris M. Collins (SL/OS: Fleep Tuque)
>> Center for Simulations & Virtual Environments Research (UCSIM)
>> UCIT Instructional & Research Computing
>> University of Cincinnati
>> 406A Zimmer Hall
>> 315 College Drive
>> PO BOX 210088
>> Cincinnati, OH 45221-0088
>> chris.collins at uc.edu <mailto:chris.collins at uc.edu>
>> (513) 556-3018
>> http://ucsim.uc.edu
>> On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 7:51 PM, InuYasha Meiji 
>> <inuyasha.meiji at gmail.com <mailto:inuyasha.meiji at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>     Making sure it isn't only me, noticing, after upgrading from 
>> Opensim 7.3.1 to Opensim 7.4 my touch to run scripts
>>     slowing down. Specifically sliding doors that used to react when 
>> clicked to start sliding.  Now, my Avatar appears
>>     to raise a hand to click the door, the particle beam starts, then 
>> stops, and with enough time to move my arm back
>>     down, a total of two seconds and then the door finally moves.  It 
>> was almost instant in version 7.3.1.
>>     Could I have made a bad setting to slow it down to start the 
>> click event to start sliding so late, or is this
>>     something other people see in their touch to start scripts. My 
>> sliding door sound used to start and seemed to be
>>     perfectly timed so the door would slide at the same time as the 
>> door would move.  Now I hear the sound many seconds
>>     before the door moves and finishes way before the door stops 
>> moving because it started so late.
>>     Anything I can do?  Or should I start a mantis?  I used the same 
>> script in SL, and in 7.3.1 that acted the same, but
>>     not anymore.
>>     Thanks for any time on this, you friend and big fan, InuYasha.
>>     --
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Opensim User: Standalone Grid on Version 0.7.4 with 56 Regions
on Windows 7, 64-bit. Phenom 9500 2.2 GHz Quad Core, Terabyte Hard
Drive, 8gig DDR2 RAM.  Used XAMPP to load PHP Version 5.3.0, Apache
and MySQL 5.1.41-community edition.  Groups, Profiles, Voice and
Offline Messages all working. (Not yet Public, 6 users allowed Now).

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