[Opensim-users] Can I rely on consistent UUIDs for things imported from different grids using IAR/OAR files?

Karen Palen karenpalensl at gmail.com
Tue Mar 27 10:10:27 UTC 2012

IAR/OAR does this correctly, however the various viewer based "backups"
create NEW objects (NEW UUID) each time!

Apart from that consider that the odds of a truly random "duplicate"
UUID is about the same as putting your hand into the ground outside your
house and finding a huge diamond!

"Possible" does NOT imply "probable"!

Somewhere Diva has posted a much better analysis of this situation based
on actual experience with OpenSIm - in essence she concludes that the
odds of a truly "random" UUID collision are essentially zero, but
various people (for good or evil) deliberately DUPLICATE UUIDs for
various reasons. :-(

There are several solutions none of which *I* would call "desirable"
(although executing violators DOES have its appeal at "o-dark 30"), but
essentially you CANNOT assume that the UUID is truly unique.



On 03/26/2012 10:45 AM, Jeff Kelley wrote:
> At 5:57 PM +0200 3/26/12, <drwhiet at spacefriends.de> wrote:
>> I dont think so ; Mayby those UUIDs are already taken in the destination
>> grid ..
> They souldn't since UUID are supposed to be unique. However, i wouldn't
> rely on it.
> Since you put the textures into the object's inventory, why not :
> FontTexture = llGetInventoryKey(texture_name);

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