[Opensim-users] Sim size limits

James Stallings II james.stallings at gmail.com
Mon Mar 26 14:51:04 UTC 2012

Greetings Cosmo!

I'll take these questions in-line as you seem to be comfortable with that
approach :)

Does this mean restriction of above functions within the SW region /or/
> within the 256x256 region the npc was created on?

This isn't a design limitation but a technical one. Many parts of opensim
were implemented as if megaregions were not present, or before they were
present; since it is, as you point out, an experimental feature. This is
changing, but older code that did not take them into account has to be
updated for the configuration.

> Since subdivision of land into parcels seems to be the way for multiple
> streaming media, should subdividing a mega-region for multi parcel media
> usage been thought of any differently than regular region subdivision?
> Should one go ahead and create parcels on a mega-region or move to a 4
> region config. before starting "parceling"? (and I ask this in regard to
> the
> aptly noted "working alongside of ongoing development efforts or even
> waiting on them" since megas are still marked experimental on
> http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Feature_Matrix OS feature matrix )
Let me reiterate:
"Parceling, and all things dependent on parceling are also no-go, except
in the 'root' or southwest-most region.

This means that for all practical purposes, parceling doesn't work on
megaregions. If you must have parcels, they do work *only* in the root.
However, the non-root regions inherit media settings from the root region
(as best I can tell) so if you parcel the root region for purposes of
setting streams, no telling what stream you will have available in the
non-root regions. This is one of those cases where the code was simply
written prior to the existence of megaregions.

How about OAR support for megaregions, is it still
> http://zonjacapalini.wordpress.com/2010/02/13/splitting-megaregions/partial
> ?
> I have been switching to each region in our mega via console (as I was
> advised) to save each regions oar, is this enough for restoring if/when
> necessary? or am I in for some future grief?
I have found that saving an OAR of the root region captures all content in
the simulator except for the terrains of the non-root region. Consequently,
a good backup will include both an OAR file of the root as well as a
terrain saved from the simulator console (see the simulator console help
for details).

> Also I have heard of Teleportation Issues (?) - but these could be on
> teleporting between megas & normal regions - I haven't experienced any such
> problems within a mega myself.
Megaregions don't make good neighbors due to the memory load they place on
their neighbors in the interest of allowing avs in the neighbor to see into
the region. Consequently many people put them way out in the boonies in the
high coordinates. Most put them out beyond the allowable limits of a
teleport, and this created strangeness that has been styled as a teleport
issue; in a sense, it is. It's too far to teleport ;)

That said, if you are teleporting into a non-root region from within the
allowed distance (4000 regions), you first arrive in the root, and are then
teleported a second time to deliver you to your requested destination. Sort
of a redirect that some find this annoying; it doesn't bother me.


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